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"are you sure about this?"

"definitely. you deserve it." i smile to show that i was confidant about my decision. it wasn't a clear-cut plan but i had to do something. i was excited because it was the first real lead we had to go with. i just hoped chanel would be on board.

"thank you." chanel sniffles. "for everything." A heavy stream of tears run to her cheeks.

if i didn't come up with something quick then i wasn't going to make it with a dry face. "don't thank me. it was all toby." which was true. after kira's fleeting departure we met up with him in what they called a sacred place.

they couldn't see her but that didn't stop chanel from ogling.

"i know you don't care but he completes you."

"who does?" i ask not understanding who she was referring to.

i look over at toby. never once have i thought about what he meant to me. he was awfully quiet in his search of figuring out where chanel was standing. his efforts were put to no good use since chanels apparition form was not concrete in nature. 

wesley stood off to the side. i knew he was special from the very first time i saw him. he carried around with him a positive source of energy that was difficult to navigate away from.

"it's so weird." chanel says mumbling.

i look away from my friends and bring attention to chanels remark. "what is?" i ask curious.

chanel glances up in peace. her smile told me everything i needed to know. "the light is so beautiful. i can't remember why there was so much pain and confusion." she says

concerned i glanced at toby who nods his approval to go ahead with the plan. it was now or never. no point in getting cold feet. 

i clear my throat and smile mustering ever once of strength i had.

it was time. finally after months of searching chanel was going to a place that she belonged. She was going to heaven. I still didn't know if it existed but that didn't matter. It was real to Chanel besides this was her story not mine. just as i was figuring out who i was her time on earth was coming to a steady end. i couldn't have been more proud of her.

almost instantly something clicked inside of me. i was ready to activate the portal. 

on impulse i let the emotion in my heart double in size until that feeling gravitated bursting through every inch of me. it was a pure kind of love. one that i was certain would never dwindle or become corroded by negative thought patterns.

following natural instinct that i didn't know i had brewing inside of me i concentrated on the energy oozing from the portal and fixated on the bright coating of film as it turned clockwise in motion and grew into a fair-sized sphere.

toby and the others watched from outside of the circle. 

my voice was steady as i instructed chanel what to do. "when you're ready step over the line." using a bottle toby provided he'd made a well-proportioned circle by pouring crushed octahedron as instructed by me with chanel inside and me standing with her. 

the floor around chanel sparkled like sand in a rainbow of colors which most notably were blue-green, a glistening bright mauve, and clear speckless white.

a new force of energy came out the portal as chanel took a step forward over the line made up of shattered natural crystal. i look on feeling warmth of pure light shine between us as i watch her take her leave. in that moment two distinct words rang clear in my head as the best way i could describe what it felt like to see her go; blessed be.

i didn't need to express how being friends with her changed my life because she already knew. it wasn't a standard last-minute goodbye that happened at funerals while throwing flowers on a shut cascet several feet underground. we shared our silent promise of i'll see you in another lifetime.

the light dims as i reverse the flow of energy counter-clockwise until it disappears from sight.

"did you see that?" kira whispers from her spot.

"what did you do?" toby looks at me with narrowed accusatory eyes.

just when you think you do something right. "nothing! why are you two staring at me like that for?" i did exactly what they wanted. so why all the hostility?

"that's not possible unless she's-"

"don't." toby warns. why was he mad? "there could be a reasonable explanation for what happened."'toby said to Kira irritated. 

"but that means." she wondered. 

"yes." Toby said finishing her thought

"will she be able to?" Kira asked looking at him

toby glanced at kira. "i have no idea." he said to her. "but we're about to find out." 

i narrow my eyes. their duo conversation was getting old especially when they didn't finish a stinking sentence.

i put my hand on my hip and crossed over the circle on the ground. "why are you two acting like i discovered penicillin?" sarcasm was a natural trait of mine that came out when I was nervous.

"what happened? how did you create that circle?" Toby grills me angrily

i shrugged my shoulders. "i dunno. a voice in my head told me to. why? did i do something wrong?" i look at kira.

Kira looked at Toby. "this changes everything." she said. 

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now