sixty six

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i went up the steep incline of the slate moss path which couldn't have been easy to do in high heels and wondered if the trees went over and above the field and if they did exactly how many students that did good left this way.

i didn't know how much longer i could go. i needed something to give me vision of a power bigger than myself so that i knew all would be okay. yet silent was my mind.

the raging choir in my head was sublime. its a harder path you're nothing like the rest. it sang ferociously. 

a fever began to spread from my heart down to my legs. the chorus was a divine rush that whispered to give me life again, but the mental image was so quiet. too quiet.

frankly i was looking for truth, a touch of heavenly light to spring me up out from my misery. 

i started to hear it again, the familiar voice of conflicting thoughts. this time it wasn't the end. i could see it below me; its come to claim me. a vicious cycle. the devil came to dance in my head saying no i would always be longing, my heart a forever hollowed pain.

the choir in my head raged and i believed it. where did i belong? who was i?

nowhere to go. no place to run to. if this was my karma then i was getting kicked in the ass hard.

my mom was going to be in a room filled with people less important than me.

if i ever got there she would look at me in disappointment with her sterling blue eyes so that i knew i let her down and i would have a hard time loving myself and there was nothing that i could do to remedy the blow.

in the face of heartfelt craziness we left the aisle of trees behind us in spite of the nagging voice that said we should turn around right now and go back, walking deeper into the forest than i would have felt comfortable doing if i were alone.

somehow the Fragrance Campaign Face knew which building belonged to whom. she must've come this way often because there was nothing distinct to tell them apart.

i beat the bushes and check side buildings for a marker that would help get people to their rightful destination but there was no collection of numbers where they ought to be. no name and address. no banner head that said in gold and black lettering Almighty Headmistress here. 

just thick heavy vines wrapped around grey cobblestone.

another change in direction and we bend around the end of the winding walkway. finally two buildings appeared within close walking distance. i was beginning to wonder if there even was anything out here besides mother natures green treasure. 

even if the exceptionally gifted monitor remained silent the entire way i was glad to have someone who knew where they were going. if i was by myself i would be totally lost and wouldn't know where to turn next.

i look up to see two people coming out from a nearby building. my companion started slowing her pace and i hoped that meant we were almost there. 

"is that your friend?" chanel creeps up from behind me eyeing two boys walking ahead of us on the other end of the pathway.

Huh. Look at that. she could talk. 

in fact, before wesley showed up, she hadn't said one word besides the encouraging whisper that i was okay and that everything would be alright.

chanel had appeared from out of nowhere just when i needed comfort the most and after taking one look at my face stuck by my side, well, more like hovered creepily. 

i smile fondly. "yeah." i whisper softly so that only chanel could hear me.

"they both are; the one in the grey beanie is wesley, he's good with a paint brush, and the one with the goofy smile is mason." it didnt take long for me to decode that they were a packaged deal. odds were if i bumped into wesley i would also find mason.

i smile thinking about the friendships i'd made. i would miss them but that couldnt be helped.

chanel whistles a tune suddenly. "he looks familiar." chanel floats in front of me. pink sparks of light shoot like fireflies.

"oh yeah?" i tease. "like something you see, sis?" i ask her grinning.

sometimes talking to chanel when people were around provided challenges like i figured out the hard way not to talk with my regular loud voice because then i would get the 'she's stir bat shit crazy looks' that ended up with me getting a visit from Dr. Cambridge. 

i always kept it at a whisper and became exceptionally crafty at not attracting attention. 

no matter which way you could look at it i knew i was talking to chanel but since wesley and mason were too far away to see my lips moving all they could see is me chuckling to myself.

chanel gave wesley a distrustful sidelong glance. "and you're sure he's not this ringmaster that created the barrier, you know, the one that's got the ghostly plane on lock down? because ive been hearing talk about a major player in all this." she said, her voice unsure and speculatory.

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now