ninety seven

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Masons death was the talk of Stark House the very next day. But not in the way I expected. Everyone knew all about what happened Friday night after the headmistress told masons parents the news. 

There were passably various mentions of mason. and by that i mean jarring. Only a couple days had passed since he'd been murdered and it was chaos. total pandemonium.   

The quad was more like a circus. 

People were talking about where they were when they found out and what they'll wear to the ceremony. People seemed more interested in talking about how it changed their lives. it was as if they didn't give one empathetic thought as to why they were going to the parade.  

Just to be on the safe side students should stick together in groups and should find a professor immediately if they saw anything suspicious.   

The headmistress didn't reveal the true nature of Masons death to outsiders. the only ones who knew the truth were in the woods the night it happened. 

I supposed given the physical state leftover of masons body that was for the best. if they knew about the gorish details no one would have wanted to see such a dangled body. it was closed casket and some were disappointed that they would loose their speculative wagers.  

there were many theories in regards to masons death circulating from the extreme, which many thought could have been a wild animal attack, to basic reasoning of natural highland death; frostbite. 

"they said he was ripped apart." of course that didn't stop people from coming up with their own probable version of events.

"how is that even possible?" someone asks.

"beats me."Jackson surprised me with his two-worded answer. 

it was a beast just a different kind of sorts. bears perharps? that amount of torn deep tissue could only have been done by two or more animals. but there were straight clear lines indicating a deliberate attack. 

then there was the penetrating strike to the rib cage that im assuming must have finished him off. so whatever came after mason must have known how to certify a confident kill. 

Mya looks around grabbing everyone's attention nearby that gave a care what a pretty popular girl had to say. "you know, they're are wild animals in Chester Peak Mountain." she says removing her patty pink lipstick from her shiny purple label handbag worthy of being on her arm. mya pulls the cap off and applies a generous amount to her ample lips. 

Tasha nods coming to myas defense. "it's true." she says fussing with her blonde hair. 

the funeral was popular for being a morning service.  

the place was virtually undisturbed somehow withstanding the winds immeasurable ferocity which left nothing unscathed in its wake. 

nevertheless a considerable amount of people stayed despite having their hats blown off swooping into far-reaching mid air. a frenzy of girls made a fuss as they fanatically chased after their overpriced ga-ga hats. 

"my parents had a cabin in the merinda highlands." tasha reminded her followers as she nudged and teased the top of her head with one hand while she looked at her reflection in that jeweled mini compact mirror of hers with the other. "they were forced to relocate due to sightings of bears." tasha hummed while cheerfully combing in some drifting curls with her fingers.

tasha puckered her lips and expertly cleaned her teeth with her tongue as she looked at herself in the mirror. seemingly satisfied, tasha purred contentedly as she shut the compact close and rearranged it back into her ginormous equally expensive purse. 

Wingspan(Paranormal, Young Adult) MAJOR EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now