Christmas Is Here Again

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Like last year I will hide some Christmas songs throughout the chapter. Let's see if you can find them all. :)

There are five songs hidden in the chapter.

Masaomi: You help him make hot cocoa for everyone, making sure that everyone stays warm.

Ukyou: You help him prepare all the food. Even though he's told you that you don't have to.

Kaname: You help him wrap all the christmas presents.

Hikaru: You help him write christmas cards and rhymes.

Tsubaki: You help him make the ultimate christmas music playlist.

Azusa: You help him pick out christmas stories. You also read them together.

Natsume: You help him with the christmas shopping.

Louis: You help him put the gifts under the tree and in the stockings.

Subaru: You help him make a snowman.

Iori: You help him decorate the christmas tree.

Yusuke: You help him decorate the house.

Fuuto: You help him choose christmas movies.

Wataru: You help him make christmas cookies and sweets.

Now the actual chapter. That was just a small christmasy scenario.

Ukyou: Isn't Joske here yet?

Natsume: She's not coming this year.

Tsubaki: What!? Why!?

Natsume: Beats me. She's at home, saying that she's "not feeling it this year." She was so excited just a week ago. She was all over the place, buying gifts, wrapping them, listening to christmas music and albums, even singing along, horribly I might add but I let her since she was so happy. She was watching christmas movies with me, I hung up a mistletoe, which she was constantly giggling about. But now she's just quiet. I checked if she was sick, but nothing. No symptoms. She didn't even dress up or watch TV. She just sat in bed quietly.

Kaname: And you left her alone?

Natsume: She told me to go. Told me to go celebrate with you. *Checks his wristwatch* Though I'm not staying long. I'll eat and then I'll take some food back home for her.

Masaomi: What could be wrong? She's always the happiest and most excited. Her eyes have that spark in them whenever it's christmas.

(Y/n): I never liked her anyway. She sucks.

Fuuto: Well said. I totally agree.

Hikaru: No, you have to bring her here. She has to be here. She's not spending christmas alone and we are not eating until she's here.

Yusuke: Oh, come on!

Kaname: Maybe she has holiday depression, or maybe she's feeling insecure about something. Either way she's not feeling well and shouldn't be left alone. You know how she can get. Let's go pick her up, I'll drive.

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