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Knock knock knock

I hear the knocking on my door, but decide to ignore it.

Knock knock knock

Comes the sound again. I groan quietly. I hate when people knock on my door so early in the morning. I throw the covers off of me and begin to descend the stairs, but I stop short of the door. The silhouette looked strange. I put up a magical barrier at my door, just in case. As I reach for the knob, I get a strange sensation. Something isn't right. 

I was right. Something isn't right. Standing on the other side of the door isn't one of my friends, here to beg me to do a spell because Bonnie couldn't or wouldn't. Rather, it's a trio of men. I can sense they're supernatural, but I can't put my finger on what they are. I scour through the people I know. They're not vampires, maybe partly. They have the metallic scent of blood on their breath. And the musty scent of a wet dog. Then it clicks. Tyler Lockwood is where I've met something like this. They're Hybrids. 

"Elizabeth?" One of the Hybrids asks. 

"Who's asking?" I question, eyeing them suspiciously. 

"Can't say. Come with us." He replies, then attempts to reach through the door, though is stopped by the barrier. He tries again, getting the same results. I smirk slightly, knowing they can't get to me. Their eyes begin to glow amber, just as Tyler's do when he gets pissed off. 

"There's a barrier spell up. Y'all can't get in, no matter how hard you try." I tell them, my smirk staying in place. They continue to try to bang on the barrier, so I just shut the door and walk up to my room, though I still continue to keep the barrier in place. 

A typical Witch would need to perform a whole spell in order to make such a barrier, but I, as a member of one of the most powerful Witch families, do not need to go through such hassle. I'm a very powerful witch. I know this because I'm able to perform spells that even one my friends, Bonnie Bennett, can't, and she's a member of another very powerful witch family, one which was friends with the Original Witch, though my family was an enemy of Esther Mikaelson.

"Come on, there's no point." I hear one of them say, finally. I keep the barrier up though, knowing they could be trying to trick me. I was correct, as only moments later I hear a loud bang, signifying they tried to come in when they thought the barrier was down. I laugh slightly and shake my head. I sigh and lay down on my bed, waiting for the fools to leave. 

There are very few people who know of my magic, just some of my friends and acquaintences. I have very few friends, only Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Tyler Lockwood, and Lorenzo St John. All of the others are just acquaintences. Forced ones, at that. My boyfriend, Kaden, has no idea about my magic. I've nearly used it on him numerous times, the times he was beating me. No one has any idea about what goes on behind closed doors, and I prefer to keep it that way. No one needs to know. 

I hear a sound and glance out my window to see three bodies on the ground, the ones of the Hybrids. I see Damon looking up at me, his hands covered in blood, waving and smiling. My eyes are wide at first, but I soon grin slightly at his idiocy and take the barrier down. I descend the stairs to see Damon in my kitchen, washing his hands. 

"Who were those idiots? They were trying to get into the house like idiots and fought like idiots too. They couldn't have been changed for long. They were weak and lacked experience by a long shot." Damon says, scrubbing under his fingernails. 

"Some Hybrids that came for me. I don't know why they were here. I put up a barrier, though, thank God." I mutter, lifting myself to sit on my countertop. 

"Hybrids? You've got to be kidding me." Damon groans. I roll my eyes at Damon's dramatics. 

"Anyway, why're you here?" I ask, swinging my legs back and forth like a child.

"Well, you see, BonBon is having trouble with a spell and we were wondering if you could help out." He says with a smile. I roll my eyes again. Of course. 

"Seriously, Damon? Bonnie should be able to do nearly any spell without my help." I say with a groan. Sighing, I hop off the countertop. I refuse to change my clothes. I'm perfectly fine in my leggings and hoodie. 

"Well, she's outside waiting to come in. So?" He says with a bribing smile. 

"Fine." I mutter, sounding more rude than intended, but I'm not going to correct myself or apologize. 

"Come on in, BonBon!" Damon calls out the door, which Bonnie quickly comes in, Grimoire in hand. 

"Didn't even bring any candles?" I ask with a sigh. Bonnie opens the Grimoire to a spell, which I read over. 

"You're not doing this spell, Bonnie, it'll kill you." I tell her, turning and sitting on my couch, crossing my legs underneath me. 

"I have enough power, I know it. Just help me with it." Bonnie says aggressively. 

"Do you realize how much power that spell takes? Maybe if you were a New Orleans Witch, or a Strix Witch, hell, even if you had another Bennett witch to channel, like your mother, but you're a singular Bennett witch. Plus, you only have your singular line of ancestors and no one to channel. You'll die trying to do this spell. I know you don't want to be perceived as weak, and you're not, but- wait. I recognize this incantation. This is a Grey spell, not a Bennett spell. Hold on, this was my great grandmothers Grimoire. Why do you have it?" I speak without breaking, almost like a run-on sentence. 

"So, long story short, I took it and gave it to her so she could kill Klaus." Damon says with a sweet smile on his face. Without thinking and in a rage, I slam him against a wall so hard it snaps his neck.

"So you expect me to help you when you're trying to perform a spell from my great grandmothers stolen Grimoire? Did you think I wouldn't recognize it?" I ask as I turn to her, practically screaming at the girl, who is now cowering. How dare she?

"Okay, fine, I'm sorry!" She shouts, her voice showing anger. 

"Touch any of my Grimoires again and you really will be sorry. Now, get out." I tell her menacingly. She just stands up and leaves. She tried to use my families spell to take away immortality.

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now