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Nothing new, I wake up to banging on the barrier, and I simply choose to ignore it. I could simply rip these people's hearts out with my magic, but I refuse to murder someone, even if they're already dead. I keep thinking about who may want me so badly as to harass me with this many Hybrids. 

I think back to how Hybrids are created. A Werewolf has to die with the Original Hybrid's blood in their system then feed on Doppelganger blood. If these Hybrids are as new and fresh as Damon says they are, and they're coming to my doorstep in multiples numerous times a day, then the Original Hybrid has to be producing them, and they seem to be compelled, and the only species able to compell a Vampire is an Original Vampire, so that means..

"Damon, get your tail over here. I think I know who is trying to get to me." I tell Damon as soon as he answers, not allowing him to get a breath in before hanging up the phone. It takes only a few minutes for Damon, Stefan, Enzo, Caroline, Elena, and Jeremy to all show up. They kill the fifteen Hybrids outside of my door before I let the barrier down, allowing them entry. I immediately lead them up to my room after replacing the barrier.

"So, who do you think is trying to get to you?" Enzo asks after giving me a hug. I know Enzo has a thing for me, but he doesn't dare try to make a move, knowing about my loyalty to my boyfriend. If only Enzo knew.

"Think about it. All of these Hybrids showing up. All of them are newly turned. Who is the only one who can turn Werewolves into Hybrids and compell them to try and retrieve me?" I give them the puzzle pieces and it doesn't take Caroline long to put it together. 

"Klaus. But why would he want you?" Caroline questions, looking quizzical. 

"I don't know, but it's obviously for a reason." I reply, just as clueless as she is. 

"Isn't it obvious? You're one of the most powerful Witches on the planet, Elle! Clearly Klaus would want you on his side for his magical needs." Enzo says, shaking his head as if we were all stupid. 

"No, that's only half the reason. Do you not know the legend of your family?" Stefan asks, looking at me dead in my eyes. 

"What legend?" I ask, confused as to why he was looking at me so intensely. It makes me feel stupid how he knows of a legend I don't when it comes to my family. 

"The Grey Vault. It's rumored that in 1001, one of your ancestors, Tia Grey, sealed up the Grey Vault. Apparently within this vault a cure for Vampirism, an elixir which can grant anyone, even a Vampire, the abilities of a Witch, a cure for Lycanthropy, and it's also told the instructions to replicate all of those exist within it, as well as other dark objects. Only a Grey Witch is able to locate and open the vault. I can't believe you've never heard of that legend." Stefan says, sounding baffled. 

"That's the story my grandmother always tried to tell me when I was younger. My mother always put a stop to the story telling when it got to that point." I mutter, half to myself. 

"So Klaus wants those things for some reason. I don't know why, but he does, and he wants it bad." Damon states the obvious. 

"So, what's our plan of action? Take down Klaus, put Liz into hiding, or what?" Elena asks, looking around the room. 

"I'm not going into hiding. But if Klaus wants to get me, he's going to have to take a much more direct approach. And I have a feeling he's listening to us right now, so it shouldn't be long until either more Hybrids show up, or the Original Hybrid himself does." I tell the group, and I see hope die within Enzo's eyes. I know he fancies me, and the feeling is somewhat reciprocated, but I can't deal with this problem if Enzo is going to be an issue. 

"So what's the plan of action beyond that? We can't kill him or our friends will die. And you're sure as hell not going with him to help him." Caroline says, but she goes no further than that.

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now