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"Oh, my God, you're awake!" Kol says with relief, tears streaking his face. He grabs me and holds onto me tightly, nearly crushing me.

"Y'all, we need to get this spell rolling. Witches are breaching the Grey Ancestral Plane and they're causing issues. I've got to bring my father back from the dead, because I forgot about that being a requirement, father's blood. I've got jobs for everyone. Rebekah, pack everyones bags and get them in the car. Klaus, get to donating some blood. You too, Elijah. And Freya. Klaus, also get me some doppelganger blood. Kol, go find someone to sacrifice, don't care who. Hayley, go get some venom and blood from Jackson. Marcel, go get some Vervain, Wolfsbane, and some Lobelia. Also, Marcel, some blood. Now let's get this going." Is the first thing I say. Klaus immediately gives me some doppelganger blood, which triggers my Vampirism. I look at a candle across the room and light with my magic without trouble. I glance back to Kol, who smiles. 

I run to my magic room, using my newly found speed. I grab Tia's Grimoire, a hundred candles, a mortar and pestle, and a bunch of vials for the bloods and venoms to go in. I speed back out, giving everyone their respective vials. Kol had already disappeared, going to retrieve the sacrifice. I run back to my magic room, grab three candles, some white chalk and a knife. I draw the triangle in the middle of the room as I had already done before and set the candles in their respective positions. Soon, Kol walks in with a man in his grip. He sets the man down in the triangle and compels him to stay still. I light two of the three candles.

"Vivus pro mortuis." I mutter over and over again, slicing my thumb and drawing a triangle on his forehead with my blood. The candle at his left foot begins to flicker. 

"Hoc sacrificio utar, ut Leeroy Grey ad terram vivam reducat, animas vivas pro defunctis commutans." I chant, slicing my palm and dripping the blood on his eyes, then his nose, completing the triangle before bringing the knife up and stabbing him in the heart. My father materializes next to me. 

"Daddy." I whisper with gratitude. Rebekah begins taking bags to the cars, so I slice my palm once more and place the blood inside. I place my vial in my bag, right next to the ones of Freya, Elijah, and Klaus' blood. Hayley now returns, a vial of Jackson's venom and blood in clutch. Marcel suddenly appears as well, bearing the three items I asked of him. Everything goes in my bag, along with a vial of my father's blood. 

"Alright, in order to confuse the Witches, who are no doubt tracking us and trying to find us, we need to take three separate vehicles, me in one, Daddy in one, and Freya in another. All of us are of similar power, so they won't be able to tell a magical difference. Someone needs to cloak us all, though. So, everyone, pick you're riding buddies, we're heading to South Georgia." I order the lot, who immediately figure out who's riding with who. Rebekah, Elijah and my father, Klaus and Freya, and then me and Kol. Freya cloaks us all, then we head out. 

"If any Witch stands in front of the car, kill them. Show no mercy." I order as we all walk out to the vehicles, which are all three packed with supplies. 

"We will all take different routes, but we need to have a couple of rendezvous points in order to recouperate if we need to. So Elijah, you take this route, Klaus, you take this route, and Kol and I will take this one. We will meet up here, here, and here." I explain as I point to the places indicated. Everyone nods along. 

"When we reach the city limit of my hometown, we will meet up. We will bust our way into the house and down to the cellar, where we will immediately begin the ritual. If anyone needs any help, call any one of us and we'll figure out a solution to whatever dilemma is being faced. Now, let's roll out!" I continue on, getting in Kol and I's designated vehicle. Suddenly, there's four more people standing outside, bags packed. 

"Any friend of the Mikaelsons is a friend of mine." Marcel says, a smile on his face.

"And any friend of Marcel's is a friend of mine." Davina says, though I can tell she's been forced into this.

"And you're one of us now, and no one leaves a pack member behind." Jackson says kindly. I look at all of them, happy there are more people to join in. I then see numerous cars pulling up, people packed inside of them. 

"I got some New Orleans Witches to help out, along with the Crescents and Marcel's Vampires. They'll be good in distracting the other Witches, as well as to help protect you guys while you're opening the vault." Davina explains. I give a grateful smile. Everyone begins pulling off.

This is going to be one hell of a day.

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat