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"Those weren't the only Witches who killed my parents. There were only probably five hundred, she said it took a thousand. Plus, even with five hundred Witches, I highly doubt they could take down my parents." I murmur as we begin speeding down the road. 

"You're smart, Little Birdie. I've been tracking some of them down and I believe some of the New Orleans Witches had something to do with it. Why don't we just call up Davina and ask. Elijah?" Klaus says, to which Elijah brings out his phone and dials a number and puts it on speaker. I swear to God I've heard that name before.

"What do you want, Elijah?" Comes the rude voice of a girl who sounds to be my age. 

"Do you know if any of the New Orleans Witches aided in the murder of Leeroy and Elise Grey?" Elijah asks, getting straight to the point. 

"And why would I know that?" She retorts, sounding bitchy. I roll my eyes in annoyance. 

"Either you do or you don't, stop making it complicated." I say loudly, making sure she can hear me. 

"Who was that?" The girl asks, sounding confused. 

"Most likely your worst nightmare if you do not give an answer." Elijah replies, a small smile dancing on his lips. 

"I'm not scared of whoever that is." Davina says with a scoff, and I can practically hear her rolling her eyes. 

"You probably should be, love. She just managed to fly around five hundred Witches across town after she inflicted them with so much pain, many of them were squirming on the ground. If I were you, I'd meet the criteria as to not get your ass kicked by her." Klaus says, a trace of amusement in voice. 

"A Witch going against her own kind? That's just wrong." Davina mutters angrily. Suddenly, I remember. She's the one who was helping slaughter the Witch population of New Orleans after that failed Harvest ritual. 

"Last I recall, you're the Witch that was telling Marcellus Gerard about Witches practicing magic in the French Quarter, which led to their executions." I say, as if coming to a revelation, and give a cold, emotionless laugh. 

"That's in the past." She mutters, knowing she's caught. 

"So is my doing. Anyway, unless you want every Witch in New Orleans slaughtered for the possibility of having something to do with my parent's deaths, then I highly suggest you start talking." I threaten, though now she doesn't speak. 

"Better idea, how about we just go and get her and let you two speak face to face." Klaus says with a smile. 

"Sounds good to me. See you soon." I say lightly. Elijah hangs up the phone. 

"You know, suddenly I like you a great deal more, Little Birdie." Klaus says, but suddenly my head explodes with pain and I begin hearing voices. It's my ancestors. I double over and clutch my head, squeezing my eyes shut. Everything fades and all I can see are my ancestors watching me, disapproving. 

"You mustn't open the Vault!" They're all screaming at me, but before I can hear anything else, I feel myself slump over and everything goes completely black as unconsciousness takes me.

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now