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"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, confused. The last one?

"Erm- listen, it was nothing. Let's just go to sleep, shall we?" Kol says pathetically trying to extinguish the situation. 

"No, we shall not. What did you mean by 'that's what the last one said'?" I question, conviction taking the place of confusion. 

"Look, I was with one of your ancestors at one point in time and then she tried to open the vault and it didn't work. Big deal, whoop-di-doo. Anyway let's go to sleep." He rushes out, but it's enough for me to stand up, backing away from him. 

"You were with one of my ancestors? And you never thought to tell me?" I mutter. 

"Because I was only with her so she'd open the damn vault, so can we go to sleep now?" Kol says, clearly becoming agitated.

"Is that why you're with me, too? So I'll just open the vault, then you'll discard me like every other girl you've been with?" I ask, tears prickling at my eyes. 

"No, Elizabeth! Damn it, what is wrong with you?!" Kol shouts, bringing flashbacks upon me. 

'What is wrong with you, Elizabeth?! Why would you even think of going out with your friends, knowing there'd be other people around?!' Kaden says before slapping me across the face so hard I hit the ground. 

'Elizabeth, what is wrong with you, damn it?! Why would you invite people over without even asking if I was coming?!' Kaden shouts after we reach my room, delivering a right hook to my jaw, effectively making me hit the ground in agony

'God damn it, Elizabeth! What on earth is wrong with you?! How dare you accuse me of cheating?! What is wrong with you?!' Kaden screams in my face right after I had walked in on him kissing someone else.

Instead of crying like I usually would, I feel a satisfying numbness spread through my body. It feels amazing. 

"Get out." I order him quietly. His eyes go wide. 

"Pardon?" He asks, sounding confused.

"I said get out!" I yell at him. He flinches, but still doesn't make a move to leave. 

"Elizabeth, what're you talking about?" He asks, fear now evident in his tone of voice. 

"Kol Mikaelson, if you don't leave this cabin right now I will incinerate you on the spot." I say calmly. "Now leave!" I scream out. He takes one last look at me, a look of anger and sadness taking over his features. 

"Fine." He spits before vanishing. 

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now