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I nuzzle further into my pillow in my half asleep half awake daze. Though I quickly realize it isn't a pillow, it's someones lap and I'm in a car. I whip my head around to see Kol looking down at me. 

"Go back to sleep, love." He says softly, brushing over my shoulder with the pad of his thumb.

"Where are we?" I ask, panicked. 

"We are somewhere in Alabama on the way to New Orleans." He replies, honesty lacing his voice. I just nod and, once again, nuzzle down into his lap. I place my hand next to my face in order to be a little more comfortable. 

"Your hand is dangerously close to my crotch." Kol bends down and whispers. I gasp lightly and move it back to its original placing. 

"I never said move it. It would actually be nice if you put it back." He murmurs, his voice dirty and mischievious. I giggle quietly and place my hand back where it was. After a while, though, I turn onto my side and wrap my arms around Kol's torso, holding onto him like a stuffed animal. I relax as he traces random shapes on my back. 

"We've just crossed into Lousiana. We'll be in New Orleans soon." Kol murmurs after a while. 

"I wonder what people would think if I randomly cloaked the car. Like they see a car and then it disappears." I think aloud as I turn onto my back, unable to sleep any longer. 

"That'd probably be a very bad idea." Kol says with a chuckle. He yawns and rests his head on the window, and I decide to return the favor of what he did for me. I sit up and glance over at him. I raise an eyebrow and wave my hands, signifying for him to lay down in my lap. He tentatively does so and falls asleep quicker than anyone I've ever seen. He's had to have been up for days to fall asleep that fast. I put a sound barrier around Freya and I. She seems to feel it, as she immediately begins speaking. 

"Something there got ahold of you. I had to cleanse and purify you, which is what knocked you out. After the third day we decided it was best to go ahead and head back to New Orleans. Kol took the lengths of going to that store y'all went to when you called me and Hayley to come down here to explain the circumstances to that older woman who's apparently a friend of yours. This is the first time he's been to sleep since you got knocked out." Freya explains, and I'm suddenly filled with gratitude. "He truly cares about you. The years I was awake, I watched him and the rest of our family and he has never once treated anyone like you nor cared for anyone like you." Freya adds.

"I really care for him too. I know we tend to butt heads but the good times we have are amazing. The other day, when we were downtown, it felt like I was free of Kaden's hold, of my mothers hold, and the way he saved me from that man in the store was just amazing. His reputation is brutal, killing without mercy, sometimes by the hundreds. But when we were in that store, I could see the rage in his eyes, but he stopped and listened to me when I asked him not to hurt the man. He showed the man mercy, only because I asked him to. I don't know why he has affections for me, though. He has to know there's no way I'm going to survive this." I ramble, knowing Freya would listen without judgement. 

"Look, Klaus has found a homeless man. He has no family, no friends, and he's older than dirt, so he hasn't got much time left anyway. He's a Witch, but he was shunned by the Nine Covens of New Orleans long ago. He has no hope left, Liz. He's willingly giving up his life. And we're going to give you the choice of who you want to try to bring back." Freya says gently and slowly, obviously trying to find the right choice of words. 

"Freya, no. I can't kill anyone, even if it's to bring someone back from the dead. My mother was a Byrnes Witch. Do you know the history and legends of the Byrnes Witches?" I question, hoping I don't have to explain it. 

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz