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Kol had taken to setting Elizabeth's head in his lap as he reads on comas and how to bring someone out of one, as well as what happens when someone is in a coma. He sees some accounts where it's total darkness for the person, just like blacking out. But he also reads that, in some instances, they can relive the most traumatic parts of their lives. Kol prays it's the former of the two.

"Kol, someone else can sit in here with her. You need to feed, it's been three days." Freya says as she walks into the room. Where the comatose girl and the Original Vampire are.

"I don't care how long it has been. I will stay in here with her until she wakes." Kol says, his voice breaking toward the end. Freya walks over and crouches by the bed, setting her hand on Kol's arm.

"I know you want her to wake, and I know you blame yourself, but it's going to take time. And no matter how long and hard you read about and study comas, it's not going to wake her." Freya reminds her youngest brother, feeling deep pity for the boy.

"I have to try. I will try everything to get her out of this. Maybe vampire blood will help." Kol has a sudden revelation.

"Kol, she's a tribrid. Vampire blood will have no effect on her. And it's not her physical form that is damaged, it's her mind. There's nothing we can do to fix her mind." She says, moving her hand to his shoulder and squeezing it tightly.

"It's like I've lost a piece of myself." Kol whispers, tears now freely flowing down his face. Freya sighs, saying no more as she stays crouched with her hand on his shoulder. Suddenly, there's a knock on the doorframe. There stands Elijah and the old Witch from North Georgia.

"I've informed her of the situation." Elijah says as Mrs. Cook practically runs into the room, looking at Elizabeth with fear.

"She really has become a Tribrid." She whispers quietly, eyes wide.

"Clearly." Kol says, annoyed.

"Tell me exactly what happened the night she went into this comatose state." Mrs. Cook says, watching Elizabeth with intense eyes.

"She turned her humanity off the day of, slaughtered probably a hundred Witches, give or take, then opened the vault. Then, my ex-girlfriend who just so happened to be Elizabeth's ancestor came and basically shoved her way into my arms before I snapped her neck, but Elizabeth saw all she needed to see. She ran off, my siblings and I searched for her for hours, but the assumption is that her humanity flipped back on seeing what looked to be complete and utter betrayal. We found her in this state." Kol summarizes the day of the incident that left the love of his life like this.

"So, my guess is that either a Witch from the slaughtering put a curse on her and she just didn't realize it, or her grief from her humanity coming back on overwhelmed her to the point that her brain just shut down and refuses to rouse." Mrs. Cook tells the two Vampires and the Witch.

"What even caused her to shut off her humanity?" Elijah asks from the doorway. Kol now refuses to make eye contact, looking down at Elizabeth.

"Kol, what made her shut her humanity off?" Mrs. Cook asks, more forcefully than Elijah had.

"I- I think I did. We were going to get.. intimate, but I put a stop to it because I was afraid of what emotional pain it may cause her, then we got into a conversation about how she wouldn't die opening the vault because it was her destiny and I stupidly said something along the lines of 'that's what the last one said'. I tried to brush it off but you know Elizabeth, she was confused and wouldn't leave it alone. So I explained that I had once been with an ancestor of hers, Grace Grey, because I needed her to open the vault. And, of course, Elizabeth thought that was why I was with her, which it wasn't. So, I idiotically, without thinking, shouted something along the lines of 'no, Elizabeth, what is wrong with you' and I knew I had messed up when I saw that far away look in her eyes, the one she gets when she's having flashbacks of that horrible excuse for a man she used to be with. She then told me to leave and I think she turned her humanity off right then. So, yeah, I think I'm the one who caused her humanity to shut off." Kol explains, tears falling down his face at a steady rate.

"Why would you say something like that to such a sweet girl?" Mrs. Cook scolds Kol, pointing her finger at him.

"I don't know, okay? It was in the heat of the moment!" Kol shouts - well, more like cries out - as he runs his fingers through his hair, damn near yanking a chunk of it out.

"Calm down, brother. She will wake soon and this will all be resolved." Elijah says sternly, watching his youngest brother closely.

"What if she hates me when she wakes?" Kol whispers, so only Elijah can really understand what he's saying.

"Kol, Elizabeth could never hate you. She loved you, everyone could see that." Elijah assures Kol calmly.

"Elizabeth didn't have a hateful bone in her body. As upset as it makes me, she'll forgive you and she'll want you back. Even when y'all were in my store that time I could see how much she liked you, or at least she thought you attractive." Mrs. Cook says with a sigh, consequently causing Kol's head to hit the headrest of Elizabeth's childhood bed.

Everyone could tell there was a long road ahead if Elizabeth didn't wake soon. 

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now