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I hadn't slept at all last night. I kept toggling my humanity switch, going from feeling nothing for Kol to missing him, wishing he were here. I had done a locator spell at some point, just to make sure he was safe. He took the car, so I'm on my own here if anything happens. 

I had been awoken by my own nightmare, one where Kol throws me into a wall, making a large crashing sound. The crash is what woke me up. It wasn't a dream. I can hear people searching the cabin. I try to smell if they're friend or foe, but I can't be sure in my sleepy, humanless stupor. 

I stand, quiet as a mouse. I make zero sound as I creep to the door of my bedroom and glance out to see hundreds of people shoving their way inside of the rickety cabin I had grown up loving. Hundreds of foes. No one here is my friend. No one here means any good for my cause. 

"If you're looking for me, congratulations. You found me, Witches. You got me! You've finally caught the great Hundredth Daughter within the Grey lineage! Wonderful, wonderful. Now, I advise you go ahead and get gone before you learn a little Elizabeth lineage." I announce as I walk out of my bedroom, suicidal bravery taking over. 

"Elizabeth lineage? We know everything we need to know about you. You're a Witch trying to open a vault that will release Hell on earth for Witches. We're not letting you do that. I'm not sure why you'd condemn yourself to such a fate anyway, but I'm assuming it's under Klaus Mikaelson's rule, am I right?" The Witch at the head of the congregation says, a threatening undertone within her steady voice. I notice her take a couple of steps toward me. 

"Elizabeth Grey? A Witch? You've got your supernatural creatures in a twist, ma'am. Now, I don't know what rumors you lot have heard about my family's vault, but they're likely untrue. Now, do tell what the rumor of the Grey Vault is among you normal Witches." I reply, watching her reaction closely. 

"It holds a monster. A monster only a Hundredth Daughter can control. One which can kill anything and everything in its wake." She replies, genuine fear lacing her words. I can't help but laugh.

"Lady, there is no monster in there! There's some things I will not say within the vault, but I can assure you that there is absolutely no monster in there." I tell her. Her expression turns from fearful to angry. 

"We still cannot allow you to open it." She practically hisses. I raise an eyebrow.

"Well, you can either leave now, or die today." I reply, my voice low, just like a growl. 

"How can you single handedly take on seven hundred of us when there's just one of you?" Another Witch asks, laughing. She made the mistake of revealing their numbers. 

"The same way my parents took down nearly two thousand of y'all, before you finally got the upper hand. Just in a much more gruesome way." I reply, readying myself for a fight. I place a protection spell over myself, knowing spells will be shot at me. 

No one had the time to teach me to fight yet, therefore I don't know if my tactic will work, but I'm a survivor. I've held my own for a while. I need no one. I am a Tribrid. One of two in the universe. I will not allow some Witches to stand against what I need to do. I will not allow an inferior species to render me useless by killing me. I refuse to give them the satisfaction. I will feed on their blood, take out my rage on the poor souls who will feel me wrath in mere moments. 

I will murder anyone who gets in the way of me fulfulling my destiny. 

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now