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It's been a week and I haven't done so much as react. All I've done is cry. Klaus had put me in a room that evening. He has tried to talk to me, he's sent one of his brothers, both of his sisters, and his baby mama with her baby in to try to talk to me, but to no avail. I don't even look up when the door opens. I haven't eaten anything since arriving, and my hunger has now gone. Enzo was extremely special to me, and Klaus just ripped that away. I consider performing the Resurrection Spell, but I can't remember all of the elements, which I also have no access to them, so there's no point in even attempting it. 

As another wave of sobs pass, I hear the door open. I don't even look up to see who it is. 

"You have to eat." Says the voice of who I now recognize as Elijah Mikaelson. As usual, no reaction. He holds a plate of food in front of me, but I pretend as if it doesn't exist. 

"Still being stupid?" Comes a voice I had only heard once, the one of Kol Mikaelson, the only person who had not tried to speak with me in this household. Elijah had told me about him when he tried to get through to me the first time he spoke to me. 

"It's like she doesn't even hear me." Elijah says, almost with confusion. Kol strolls into the room, as I see with my peripheral vision. I had been staring straight at the wall across from my bed since Klaus put me in here. 

"Yeah, right, she can hear perfectly fine. Hey, if you don't speak I'm going to eat you and we can just find someone else to help us. You hear that?" As Kol finishes his sentence, I snap my fingers, which, in turn, makes Kol fall to the ground with a broken neck. Elijah looks at me in what seems to be awe.

"I had enough of him being annoying." I murmur quietly, though I know he's able to hear me. 

"I've never seen a Witch as young as you able to snap a Vampire's neck so easily." He says, a slight smirk on his face. 

"Klaus murdered my friend right in front of my eyes when I told him no. I'm not going to help him. He can try to keep me here, but I'll starve to death before I help him." I tell Elijah angrily. He crouches in front of me and, for the first time, I turn my head and look him in the eyes. 

"Listen," he begins softly, "I know you're angry with Niklaus, and I know he does irrational things, but you can't hold on to that and die over it. I may be biased because he's my brother, but just hear him out. Take time to grieve, but don't just die." As he finishes his sentence, I don't know whether I should like him or hate him. As I stay silent, processing his words, he stands up to leave.

"Elijah," I call out before he exits.

"Yes?" He answers, turning back around. 

"D-do you know if my parents death was homicide?" I ask tentatively.

"Witches don't want the vault opened. They tried to stop it. That's part of why Niklaus brought you here, to keep you safe and alive." Elijah says, confirming my suspicions. As soon as he turns his back once more to leave, Kol wakes up. 

"You bitch." He says before trying to run at me, consequently getting thrown back into a stone wall with a wave of my hand, now pinned there, struggling. 

"Kol, control yourself. I heard a little birdie was speaking." Klaus says as he steps into the room. He waves his hand, signalling for me to stop the spell. I do so, not wanting any more conflict. 

"Do you know the Witches who killed my parents?" I ask Klaus, standing up and walking right up to him. 

"Yes." He replies. He had stepped up to me, so we were now only a couple of inches away from each other.

"I'll make you a deal, then. I'll help you open the vault and do any three other things you ask of me if I can get vengeance on those Witches." I bargain, looking the monster before me right in the eye. 

"You have yourself a deal. Right now, though, you need to retrieve your Grimoires. I have some business to take care of back in Mystic Falls as well, so we're going to make a road trip out of it, you, me, Rebekah, Elijah, and Kol. I'm driving, by the way." Klaus says, smiling, almost gleefully. 

"And as the eldest, I get shotgun." Elijah says from the doorway. I roll my eyes and groan. I'm going to be forced to sit in the back with Kol and Rebekah. Great.

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now