8 (Elizabeth's POV)

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I had been watching the fake me and fake Kol for what seemed like weeks. It was pretty monotonous, with the fake me getting up every morning and feeding the animals, the fake Kol coming out and them just hanging out, doing random things, and then them having a bonfire, the fake me playing guitar like I had when we were in the cabin before, Kol being just as excited every night. 

Somehow, seeing this hurt more than anything. I decide to try to walk away, returning to the memories. At least these won't hurt as bad as seeing something I want so badly yet can't have. 

As soon as my beloved Kol is out of my sight, I feel the pain and breathlessness of being slammed and pinned against a wall. It was the time that my friends were over, so I denied Kaden sex. He had slammed me against the wall, knocking the wind from me. I watch as I deny the man his pleasures, which makes him promise to rape me the next time he wants to have sex. 

The sight morphs into that of the cellar in which the Grey Vault is located. I see myself, doing the spell which unlocks the vault, though I'm not necessarily focused on myself. I walk over toward the end of the lineup, where Kol is located. I try to touch his face, but my hand goes right through his cheek. 

I had just started chanting, and it was soon going to go down the line. Kol still had his eyes open, but he closes them as Freya begins her chanting. As the unified sound makes its way down the line, I'm shocked to hear how natural the incantation sounds coming from Kol's mouth, almost as if he were meant to be a Witch. He was as a child, I know that, but it sounds as if he had still been practicing, every single day for the past millennium. 

"I miss you, my sweet, dear, beloved Kol." I whisper quietly as I chant alone once more, which opens the vault. A couple of minutes later, I watch as Grace forces herself into Kol's arms. It hurts just as bad as it did when it happened in real time. 

Strangely, everything fades to black, and I'm just left weeping, barely able to process everything that has been happening. 

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin