Author's Note

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This is the ending of the story. I left it wide open for a sequel, so watch out for that. I wrote this entire thing in about a month and it's my first time finishing a book, so I'm pretty excited. Yes, there's some cringe in there, but I tried. 

I lost a lot of sleep in order to get this done and school was kicking my ass because of it. I really hope everyone enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. My whole plan was to release chapters on a schedule but I know myself too well. I know I won't stick to an uploading schedule - I never have - so I'm uploading all of them. 

The day I began this story was December 18, 2022 and it is currently January 21, 2023. 

And there may be some plot holes in there and some stuff that doesn't make any sense, but I'm still a novice writer. Bear with me on this one, as it's the first fanfiction I've written that I've actually taken seriously to the point of finishing it. 

There will be a sequel, but I don't know when I'll get around to writing it. Let me know what you'd like to be in the sequel. 

The main gist of it is going to be that Elizabeth has just had her humanity turned back on, seeing Kol with Grace and all. She is all upset as she was at the end of this book, but Kol finds her unconcious (yes, I know she goes unconcious a lot) and takes her back to her family's cabin, where she remains in a comatose state. He tries to find whatever he can to get her back. That's as much as I'm going to reveal, as I don't want to spoil it too much and I don't know the full the plan yet. I mostly play it by the second when writing. 

Anyway, I really hope everyone enjoyed this. Love you, strangers. 

- Wolffur198.

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