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I had went back to my room and fallen asleep after the whole encounter, hearing Damon leave some time after, keeping all of my Grimoires close to me. I inherited Grimoires from every generation, dating all the way back to around 980 AD. There were many spells to counter Esther Mikaelson's spells, such as the Spell of Life, the same one Bonnie was trying to use. It's an extremely complicated spell that has killed many before me. My grandmother died trying to use it for God only knows what reason. My mother would never tell me. 

I had learned very complex magic, but nothing of that nature. My mother would never let me even attempt anything like that. I was only allowed to practice traditional and safe magic, never anything dark, nor The Expression. She had always said I would be shunned by our ancestors if I were to ever practice such magic. Ancestors give many Witches their strength, such as the New Orleans Witches. They even do some weird shit with their corpses called consecration so they can have peace and join their ancestors. My ancestors are incredibly strong, and they allow me to channel them without even having to reach out and ask, but I know they'll abandon me if I were to ever use any form of dark magic.

I decide to flip through the old book full of the documentation of my great grandmothers spells to make sure nothing is missing. I have every spell in this book memorized, so I know when something is off. As I reach toward the end, I notice a skip within the book. The Resurrection Spell is missing. I immediately grab my phone and dial Damon's number. That spell is one of the most dangerous ones to perform. 

"Is it time for another lecture?" Damon answers, sounding bored, and I can hear Bonnie chanting in the background. 

"Damon, please tell me Bonnie isn't doing the Resurrection Spell!" I say hurriedly into the phone. He scoffs slightly, almost as if amused.

"So what if she is?" He asks, though he sounds slightly worried now at my tone. 

"Listen to me right now, Damon Salvatore. Make her stop. That spell has some extremely dark magic in it and it'll kill her! It'll kill any Witch who performs it without a live replacement, and I know Bonnie as no such thing with her! That's what the whole spell is, taking someones place within the dead so they can rejoin the living! It's basically an eye for an eye, but rather a body for a body." I rush to tell him, but I know I'm too late. I hear Bonnie's voice cut off and the phone drop simultaniously as I finish my sentence. I sigh, tilting my head back. I hang up the phone, not wanting to put myself through listening to Damon's screams for help. Those crazies have to stop trying to use my Grimoires.

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now