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It's not too entirely long before I reach my old family home. I had slowed to a stalk about a mile back, thank God. Witches flood the woods around my old home. I can smell their intentions. Their intention is murder. But also something else. I smell betrayal on some.

I transition back to human form and take some clothes my mother had put out all through the woods long, long ago. They're weathered and tattered, but they work in covering my nude body. I begin scouting, listening for any vehicles. I have a feeling the Witches will lay low until I begin the spell, then try to storm in, the idiots. 

I look for any breaks in the ranks, and eventually find a good space which gives a straight line to the house. I feel for any magic. I feel the barrier spell. 

"magicae spoliare." I recite the incantation I've used many times. It disables all magic, including their barrier spell. 

"Invisibilis." I whisper, which makes me invisible. I use my Vampire speed to enter my house, going in through an old window someone had shattered while vandalising the place. I run to my old room and find the old home phone. I dial Klaus' number. He picks up immediately. 

"Klaus, this is Elizabeth. There are Witches everywhere. They've practically flooded the forest surrounding the place. There's a few tunnel entries on the outside of the woods, right where our property ends. Find those openings then come through there. Then we need lineups outside surrounding the home on the open land. Vampires, Witches, and Werewolves all intermingled in ranks. No one is to break ranks. Make sure they know to continue closing in to keep the Witches out. And to not have any mercy. I can cast a spell to turn a Vampire's humanity back on, so tell them to turn it off in order to not have all of the guilt in the heat of the moment if they need to do so. Other than that, I hear your vehicles. Pull over and relay all of the information. I'm going down to the vault. I'll see you guys soon." As I speak, I don't give Klaus a moment to interrupt before hanging up the phone. 

As I said I would do, I descend the stairs leading up to the second level, where my room is located. I silently make my way through the old dusty living room covered in spraypaint. I reach the old cellar and open it up to see the dark tunnels which go all around the property. I try to feel for any presence, and none. They'll be safe to come through the tunnels. 

I walk the way the unseen force pulls me, using a spell to create a ball of light in my hands. It's dim, just in case someone is down here that I couldn't detect, but it helps nonetheless. As I continue walking, the force gets stronger. It makes me want to sprint to where it's pulling me. I manage to keep a steady fast-paced walk, borderline jog. When I eventually feel as though the pull will overwhelm me, I see the vault. 

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin