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I sit by the fire, alone, as dawn begins to creep upon the horizon, brightening the morning sky ever so slowly. I play with the color and size of the fire out of boredom, waiting for the others to wake. 

"Your abilities with fire are truly fascinating." I hear Kol's tired and husky voice coming from my old bedroom's doorframe. I listen as his footsteps come closer, eventually stopping. I watch from the corner of my eye as he sits down next to me, watching the fire. 

"I remember how much my mother used to hate when I'd play with fire. When I was thirteen and started tweaking the fire spells, I was doing it in secret. I wanted to surprise them the next time we came here by making the bonfire a bunch of different colors. I wanted to learn the spells nonverbally so I could impress them even further. But one day, about a month into my development of these spells, my mother walked in on me developing my larger flame. Lord, she had a cow then rose so much sand the Saharan Desert became part of the ocean and she probably took some hellfire and put it on earth too because God help me she liked to have killed me, but I got Magic Reduction Cuffs placed on me for a week instead. I was quite pitiful during that time." I rant, tears coming into my eyes as I think of my mother.

"She just didn't want you to gain too much power." Kol murmurs. I scoff lightly, in disbelief that my mother would do such a thing. 

"I just- I can't believe she'd do that. She knew what I was meant to do and she had the audacity to hide that from me." I stammer, a single tear making its way down my cheek. 

"If she did that to you, why do you still cry when you think about her?" He asks gently, though the actual question is just insensitive. I remember what Freya said, though.

"She raised me, Kol. No matter how much she tried to stop me from fulfilling my destiny, she raised me and loved me with every bone in her body until her final moment. And I owe her the same, to love her until my final moment. I can't bear knowing I'll have to live without her. I'm nineteen, for crying out loud! I'm supposed to be going out, getting drunk, and calling her to come pick me up, or introducing my dad to a guy and watching his disapproving look, and going to them both when I get my heart broken! I shouldn't be forced into this cruel world on my own so soon. I should be having fun, not struggling to survive. And it's all because of me. They're dead and it's my fault. It hurts, Kol, it really does." I rant to Kol, unable to keep my feelings at bay any longer. 

"Hey, listen, I know it hurts, but it gets better. And you're absolutely right. You shouldn't be forced into this world on your own. You should be having fun and being a teenager, but the Witches stripped that away. And it's not your fault, love. Your destiny is not your fault, it's the world's fault. Don't blame yourself, darling." Kol says softly, tentatively placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. Hesitantly, I place my hand over his, which causes him to tense, though I quickly feel him relax. 

"I have an idea. How about you and I go into town? I want to show you around some and introduce you to some of my friends." I propose, looking to him for the first time this morning. I had not realized he was shirtless, only sleeping in a pair of gray sweatpants. 

"That sounds like a great idea. And take a picture, it'll last longer." Kol says smugly, to which I smack his arm. I hadn't realized I had been staring at his shirtless figure. I now look away, in attempt to hide the intense blush creeping up my neck and onto my cheeks.

"Let's roll, then. First stop, the town square for breakfast. Well, your breakfast is going to be on the ride there, Princess." I say excitedly, standing up and walking to the front door. I grab the keys to the car Klaus had brought us and walk out to it, getting into the drivers seat.

"I swear if you don't stop calling me Princess-" Kol begins, acting pissed off but I can tell it's just a facade. 

"What, are you going to bite me?" I mock with a smirk. Kol raises his eyebrows, as if considering it. I roll my eyes and put my arm toward him, which he grabs and bites into my wrist. I'll never get used to the little bit of pain it causes, which makes me wince as he punctures my flesh in order to feed. I don't even feel lightheaded by the time he stops and wipes his mouth. He bites his wrist and gives me a bit of his blood, healing the bite wound.

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now