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I walk down to the cellar, which is basically a dungeon, guided only by Klaus' verbal directions I had recieved a few minutes ago. I find a door made of metal, almost like the door to a cage, with a man on the other side. He is entrapped within a circle of white powder, likely Freya's doing, as well as with Anti-Magic Cuffs on his wrists. He's a very old looking man, long, solid white hair and a very long unkept white beard. He looks as though he hasn't had a shower in a decade and smells the part too. 

"You must be Elizabeth." The old man greets in a deep, cracking voice, sounding as though he had not spoken in days. 

"Yes. And you are?" 

"My name is Robert. Listen, I've studied your family for a long time and I know what you have to do in order to open that vault. So don't ask any questions and just go ahead and get the job done." The man says before I can utter another word. I'm slightly shocked by this, but I go back to the main housing area. I go to a room the Mikaelsons had allowed me to use for my magical items. I grab a bag, add the three candles, a knife, and a piece of white chalk. I take it to the main living area and draw a triangle with the chalk in the center of the room. I place each candle on each tip of the shape. I stand and walk back to the cellar, undoing the boundary spell which sealed Robert within and take him back to the living area, just to find an audience of Mikaelsons, along with Hayley, Jackson, Davina, and man with dark skin that she doesn't recognize, though she assumes it's Marcel Gerard, the boy Klaus had taken in in the 1800s. I've heard Rebekah talk about him, being smitten over him and all. 

"So I've got an audience?" I ask, slightly upset at the fact. 

"Yep. We're here to make sure nothing goes wrong. Tonight is the full moon, you know. And a Werewolf, not even a Hybrid or Tribrid, can control their first transition. But I'll be there to help you through it and Kol will stay safely within the Compound so you don't rip him apart." Klaus informs me, so I just sigh and take Robert into the triangle, laying him down in the center. 

"I promise this'll be painless." I assure Robert as a tear slips down my cheek. 

"You don't have to do this, Elizabeth." Kol says, but I just shake my head. 

"Yes I do." Is all I say before I light two of the three candles, leaving the one at Roberts left foot unlit, as I'm on his right side. 

Moments before.. Kol's POV

"Listen to me, Kol. You have to be there for her after she does this. You know as well as I that it's going to break her to kill this man, but you also know it has to be done. This is the only way, but it's going to break her. You have to be there for her. You can't think of yourself for a while, only her." Freya tells Kol urgently. He looks down, an upset look placed upon his features. 

"I know. I'm going to try, but you lot have to help me. You know how hard it is for me to look at Elizabeth and not see Grace. But I'm going to try." Kol tells his whole family, who all simultaniously nod. 

Currently.. Elizabeth's POV

I had decided on who to bring back. I know I'll have to bring my father back too, but my friends need their friend right now.

"Vivus pro mortuis." I murmur over and over again as I slice thumb and trace a triangle on Robert's forehead. The candle's flames begin to rise, and I see a small flicker of light from the candle at his left foot. 

"Hoc sacrificio utar, ut Bonnie Bennett ad terram vivam reducat, animas vivas pro defunctis commutans." I chant, my voice growing louder with each time saying the incantation. I then take the knife and slice my palm wide open, allowing my blood to drip on the mans right eye, then his left, then his nose, creating the final triangle. I grab the knife and plunge it into his chest, killing him. Bonnie Bennett materializes to my left, the candle beside Roberts left foot now ablaze, while the one by his head has been blown out. As soon as the process is done, everything goes black.

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