6 (Elizabeth's POV)

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My sights had been horrible. Absolutely horrendous memories I had buried deep down in my mind, ones that were never supposed to resurface. Of course, the beatings I recieved from my now-deceased boyfriend and the death of my parent was rough, but I had even more horrible memories, ones that I could never begin to describe.

My mother had decided to make my Werewolf gene dormant, as I had killed a man with my overly powerful magic, the sort I wasn't able to handle. It hurt like a bitch, and the curse was broken once she had died, though it was almost as if I had reverted back to my completely-Witch state, where I didn't turn into a wolf on the full moon, or even by choice. I had been forced to deny my nature, and out of fear of the curse being reinstated, I tried my best to not kill anyone.

Now, though, I had played through all of my horrifying memories, so as a reward, I get to experience my dream.

I walk around the property, the one which my parents had bought many years ago and had built this beautiful, tiny log cabin. I look toward the back of the home and see a pen with a ton of chickens, as well as a pen with goats. I notice a small pond dug out off to the side, a fence around it where ducks and geese swim, along with a pen full of turkeys. I look toward the other side and see a pen where three pigs lay, one of which is nursing her young. I sigh and look around, seeing an image of Kol and I. Oh, how I miss him.

This world is incomplete without Kol here by my side. It hurt when Grace had practically shoved her way into his arms, and it's ridiculous that that's what turned my humanity back on, landing me in this situation, but it is what it is.

The image of me walks into a small building, which seems to be a tiny barn. I watch as she grabs a bucket, goes over to her goats, and begins to milk the mother goats. She then goes around with a basket, collecting eggs of all sorts before going back into the cabin, where Kol meets her at the door, kissing her forehead and grabbing her waist before they both go inside.

My heart hurts at the sight. I know I'm in a dream world at the moment, but it feels so real. I just want Kol here with me. I want to feel his warmth, to feel his touch, to feel his hand in mine, to feel his lips on mine. All I want is Kol Mikaelson, honestly to an embarrassing level.

I used to despise Kol for the most part, along with Klaus, but they had both grown on me, the former more so than the latter. One day, we just kissed and made it official. He's pretty much the most attractive person I've ever seen. I'm down bad for an Original Vampire, and it's quite pathetic.

I continue to watch the house, waiting. Kol eventually comes out with me by his side, where I was running to the barn in obvious excitement. I decide to follow the two lovebirds and find, under a hen, there are little chicks chirping away. I laugh and smile at the sight of the baby chickens.

I sigh, knowing that this will never become a reality, especially not as long as I'm trapped inside of this world. 

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