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Our stay ended up being extended to a month after Freya decided we needed the woods to practice in, though Klaus, Hayley, Hope and Elijah had all left after the ninth day, taking Soot with them. They had enough of the north Georgia mountains in December. 

"Come on, Ellie, focus!" Freya says as she tries to have me stop Kol's heart. I don't know why this spell is so difficult for me to do. I have to stop Kol's heart then start it back up again. I begin feeling faint, but I know I can go further. 

"Cessat respiratio!" I yell out, and feel a bit of blood drip from my nose, but I ignore it. Finally, Kol's heartbeat stops and he begins to dessicate. Even if I can't get his heart to start back with magic, it'll start back up on its own after a while. I take a break for a moment, breathing heavily.

"Okay, now start it back up." Freya instructs. I place my hands over his heart, as I had been able to stop it from a distance.

"Incipit pulsatio." I mutter. I repeat it over and over until I'm yelling the incantation, and blood is now coming out of my nose in a steady stream. It's relatively easy for me to stop his heart, but starting it back up is more difficult than I thought. This is the most complex spell we've done to date. Finally, just as I feel I can't go anymore, Kol's heart starts up. I give a sigh of relief and sit back. 

"Great job. We're reaching your limits. I think a couple more months and you'll be ready." Freya says with a smile. 

Kol and I are growing close, though we often have our arguments, such as him thinking I need to continue with slightly easier spells rather than ones that require such an insane amount of power. 

"I have one more spell I want you to try before we go into the realm of the Grey Vault Unsealing Spell. But, for now, you need to rest. You used much of your power today and you need to rest and recharge." Freya says, smiling approvingly at me. 

"Is it bonfire time yet?" Kol asks, smiling at Freya and I. Kol has been obsessed with the bonfire since the first night it was lit, now insisting it be lit every night. 

"Kol, it's not even dark out yet. When the sun reaches the top of the trees, we'll light it." I reply, giggling a bit at his excitement, though we've been doing the same thing for a month. His favorite part is when I whip out the guitar and begin playing. He always begs for me to sing as well. 

"But I'm ready to have a bonfire!" Kol complains, whining like a little kid. I laugh and shake my head at the audacity of this one thousand year old Original Vampire to act like a five year old child. 

"Ellie, come, let's go on a walk." Freya says. Her and I stand up from where we were still kneeling on the ground and begin walking down the trail her and I have been taking for the last couple of weeks. 

"Sound barrier." She whispers, knowing Kol is listening. I do as she says, as she has not mastered the sound barrier yet.

"So, what do you think about my brother?" Freya asks awkwardly. I look over to her with an eyebrow raised in confusion. 

"Your brothers are cool, I guess." I reply slowly.

"I meant what do you think about Kol?" She specifies, then I realize what she's getting at.

"It's complicated. One minute I'm watching him and he does the cutest and/or hottest thing I've ever seen, then the next minute he's blowing up in rage at something small. He's overly attractive, I'll give him that, but he's terrifying." I say honestly. Freya had been hinting around about her opinion on Kol and I lately, but this is the first time she has directly asked what I think of him. 

"Go for him." Freya says with a smile. I just shake my head. 

"I can deal with his childishness, it's actually cute, and I can deal with his mood swings for the most part, but when he gets to be in a rage, it terrifies me." I mutter. We turn around and begin walking back, as we both know what lurks in these woods is not a friend.

"He does that for attention. Once he actually gets the attention he wants and craves, he won't act out like that. Take him to town for a while tomorrow. It's your off day. Show him around, show him the places you went when you and your family used to come here, show him that you care and he'll stop. Just go to town and introduce him to people, talk to him in general. Even if it doesn't turn out, it'll be worth a try." Freya offers her advice, and I consider it, then I remember what happened the last time we went to town together. "Plus, we need more food. We're running out." She adds. 

"I don't know, Freya." I murmur, kicking leaves. We both hear a rustling in the trees, then hear the sound I've grown to hate. 

"Ellie?" The nasty, distorted voice says, question in its tone. Freya's head snaps to me. I hadn't even noticed it's dark out. I snap my fingers, resulting in hearing a satisfying snap of a neck. I had not known how to do that the last time I was at this cabin, so hopefully it'll get rid of some of those things. Freya and I reach the house and see Kol has alreadt lit the bonfire. Freya and I laugh, sit down, and have fun all evening.

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora