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"I will still go to see if the Witch you speak of knows of anything like this happening before. I'll see if there is any remedy for it." Elijah says, but he's stopped by Klaus coming to join what was becoming a family reunion.

"I've seen one case like this in all of my days. She committed such horrors while her humanity was off, so when it came back on it overwhelmed her. That vampire desiccated before she woke up. Then, when she did wake, all of her family was dead so no one had been able to revive her until I found her. She had been comatose for nearly one hundred years. She needs time, Kol. Nothing can remedy a coma, especially not one where she got overwhelmed by her humanity." Klaus says as he leans against the doorway, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You're telling me she might be like this for a hundred years?" Kol asks, an edge to his voice that every Mikaelson knows all too well.

"I'm saying it's genuinely possible," Klaus replies, a seriousness to his tone.

"You're not helping." Freya says, shaking her head as she watches her youngest brother fall apart before her eyes.

"I'm going to search her Grimoires. Elijah, talk to that Witch. Freya, you try to find a way to help her somehow." Kol orders. No one says anything, but Freya looks at him awkwardly.

"Kol, I've been searching for her Grimoires, but I can't find them. She must have cloaked them." Freya says slowly. Kol's head whips toward her so fast that if you blinked you would've missed it.

"Can't you find a spell to uncloak them?" He asks, the pyschotic, maniacal edge that used to stay within his tone begins to shine through, along with the old wild look in his eyes.

"She has incredibly strong magic, stronger than me now that she has two sources to continously channel. Along with that, she uses ancestral magic, along with her ancestor's spells. Without knowing what cloaking spell she even used or how it works, there's no way for me to be able to even begin to uncloak it. Her form of magic is something I've never witnessed, so it's damn near impossible for me to uncloak her Grimoires." Freya replies with pity in her eyes as tears fill Kol's.

"Nothing is impossible in this world! Figure it out!" Kol shouts, teeth gritted and spit flying from them as he tries to push back his emotions.

"You're right, Kol, nothing is impossible in this world, but sometimes we have to accept that some things are a little too complicated to fix, especially something that has nothing to do with magic." Klaus says reasurringly. Kol turns on him.

"This is all your fault, Nik! Had you not forced her to open that bloody vault, she would have never had to kill anyone! But no, you just had to have more power! Had you not kidnapped her, had you never brought her to the Compound, had you never even known she existed-" Kol pauses as Klaus raises an eyebrow. "I'm the one who told you she existed. It's my fault."

"Yes, brother, you're the one who informed me of her existence, therefore leading us here. I'm just the reason the two of you met." Klaus replies with a taunting smile.

"Klaus, stop it! Your brother is in emotional turmoil and you're just making him think this is his fault when it's not! This is no one's fault, you two!" Freya shouts in annoyance, tired of all of the bullshit.

"She's right, guys." Rebekah murmurs from behind Klaus, where she had been standing the entire time.

"Freya always seems to be right. She seems to always have the answers." Klaus says jealously before turning and leaving.

"He has got to be bipolar." Leeroy mutters. Everyone had forgotten he was still in the room. Everyone shares a tentative laugh, including Kol.

"I'll be here by your side for the rest of time, if I must. I'm not leaving your side, I promise, my love." Kol whispers softly to the girl before him, who is in a deep, deep sleep..

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now