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I wake up to see Elijah speaking quietly to Kol next to the dying fire. They're very quiet, but I can still hear. 

"You don't remember?" I hear Elijah ask Kol, to which Kol shakes his head. 

"She was a mess, holding onto you for what looked to be dear life. When you told her it was alright, she went on a rant about how she drank, smoked, cut, and had tried everything but she wasn't alright. Then she said that after she opens the vault, if it doesn't kill her, she's going to commit suicide." Elijah explains while Kol simply looks at him with a confused and perplexed expression. 

"You must have dreamed that, Elijah, because I think I'd remember if she had said anything like that. I remember every moment I've spent with her and I don't recall any of that." Kol says, laughing in complete disbelief.

"He wasn't dreaming. I was listening too." Klaus says as he walks out, rubbing sleep from his eyes and sitting next to his brothers. I look to them and know what needs to be done. 

"Oblivisci." I whisper quietly, and the three look confused, but go on about talking about how impressive my pyrokinetic abilities are, and Kol informs them I created those spells. Well, more tweaked them, but Kol is telling his version of the story of the other day in my room. I finally decide to stretch out, signalling to the boys I'm awake. Klaus and Elijah glance back with smiles, but Kol keeps a straight face. I notice he doesn't glance back as quickly as the other two. It confuses me, but I dismiss it. I shiver in the corner, but it goes unnoticed, or so I think. 

"Elizabeth, come over and get some warmth from the fire before you freeze to death." Kol says, not even glancing toward me. I raise my eyes at the irony of the sentence. I realize Klaus and Elijah had scooted over so I'd be forced to sit next to Kol. I assume it's just because the spot is directly in front of the fire. 

"Little Birdie, why were you huddled in that little corner away from the fire?" Klaus asks quietly. I just shrug, though a tiny ghost of a smile dances on my lips as Klaus calls me that weird nickname. 

"Tell them about your discovery." Kol says, to which I grab the journal, which had been sitting by the fire all night. 

"Either of you know Latin?" I ask. Klaus and Elijah both nod. I hand Elijah the journal, flipped to the last entry.

"My mother used a concealment spell to keep it from me." I murmur quietly. 

"Kol, you're completely, one hundred percent sure she's a Hundredth Daughter?" Klaus asks, concern in his voice. Kol nods his head profusely. Klaus nods once as well, signifying he believes Kol. 

"So our mother killed one of the most powerful Witches to ever live." Elijah mutters, seemingly seething at the thought. 

"Why am I not surprised." Klaus states. I bring my legs to my chest, resting my head on my knees. Elijah looks to me with concern in his eyes, but says nothing, returning to watching the fire. I nonverbally make it change color and size. 

"So, what's something fun to do around here, Little Birdie?" Klaus asks with a fake smile on his face. He knows something is wrong. They all do, they just can't remember what. They know what I'm going to do, they just can't remember it, and they won't until the day I die, which isn't too far off. 

"Well, you can hike, hunt, fish, drive around, and that's pretty much it." I reply, going through everything my family used to do when I was a child. 

"Fun." Rebekah says groggily and sarcastically from the doorway. I lay down on my back. 

"How long do y'all want to stay here?" I ask to no one in particular. 

"I was thinking of inviting Hayley and Freya and staying for maybe a week, if that's okay with you. Get away from the Compound as well as Witches for a little while." Klaus replies. I nod with approval. 

"I'll just have to head down to the store. Klaus, you can come if you want to so you can call Hayley and/or Freya. I have to get some food for them." I explain as Klaus gives a confused look. 

"I need to stay here and figure out the best way to go about this, now that so many Witches are on your tail. But Kol can go with you." Klaus says with a smirk. I raise an eyebrow, but quickly dismiss it. 

"Okay." I say with a shrug. "You're driving, though. I hate these hectic roads." 

"I don't advise it. Kol is a very reckless driver. Him plus mountains plus snow, there's bound to be a wreck. You don't have to be a prophecy-seeing Witch to know that." Rebekah warns. I nod. 

"Yeah, no, I can handle the hectic roads. You can be a passenger princess for the day." I tell Kol. Everyone busts out laughing, including him.

"What's so funny?" I ask, looking around the bunch.

"Y-you call-called him a passenger princ-princess!" Rebekah tries to say while laughing. I giggle a bit, but I'm really in no mood for laughing. I shake my head at the lot of them, raising my eyebrows for a moment in surprise that I had Elijah practically rolling on the floor laughing. Today might just be a good day, despite its slightly rocky start.

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now