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"But, off the subject of Caleb, you have to try Sam's hog sausage. It's incredible." I tell him, taking my hand off of his arm and handing him a piece, then taking one for my own. I devour mine, as does he, obviously enjoying the delicious piece of meat. 

"So, where to next?" Kol asks with a smile. I think for a moment. 

"How about a walk downtown? It's beautiful this time of year." I suggest. Christmas is in a couple of days, so the town is covered in Christmas decorations, downtown being the most gorgeous of all. Kol nods in approval, which is all I need to start the car and head toward the city hall. It doesn't take long to get there, as the town is so tiny. 

"You were right, it is beautiful." Kol says as we step out of the car and he looks around. I shiver from the cruel bite of the cold wind. We walk around, stopping by various little shops and stands of all sorts. By the time we reach the end of our journey, my legs can barely hold me up. 

"Here, love, let me drive. I'll be careful, I promise." Kol offers, to which I agree. 

"Hey, stop by this store up here. I need some alcohol." I tell him, which he obliges. I don't say anything as I get out and walk in. I go straight to the alcohol section and grab numerous jars of homemade moonshine, as well as some bottles of whisky for Kol and Freya. 

"That's a lot of alcohol, young lady." The man up front says, but I ignore him. 

"That's going to be a crisp one hundred dollar bill and an ID. Which, I know you're underage, so you can get by another way." The crusty old man says. He comes around from behind the counter and flashbacks of Kaden come before me. I gasp as he pins me against the wall by my throat. 

"Kol!" I scream out, which is immediately answered by the man being thrown away from me. 

"Are you okay?" Kol asks me frantically, holding my face to look at his. I nod with tears flowing down my cheeks. He turns to the man.

"Don't kill him. Please." I whisper. Kol turns back to me. 

"Why not? Elizabeth, he tried to hurt you!" Kol practically shouts, which causes me to involuntarily cower before him. 

"I just don't want anything to happen to you." I murmur with a small voice, choked by the tears. He looks back and forth between me and the man a couple of times before walking to me, kneeling down to where I'm cowered.

"I'm not going to hurt you, love. Come on and let's get this alcohol in the car before he wakes." He says gently, offering a hand. I hesitantly take it, shaking from fear. He grabs the alcohol, which had been bagged already, and walks me out to the car, holding onto me so I don't fall and catching me when I stumble. I let out a shaky breath I didn't realize I was holding once we finally get in the car. We ride the rest of the way back to the cabin in silence. When we return, I don't see Freya anywhere. God only knows what she's doing. We step out of the car and as soon as Kol is in close proximity, I take him into a tight, impulsive embrace. He seems shocked for a moment but he quickly returns the gesture, holding me close and tightly. 

"Thank you, Kol." I whisper as a tear makes its way down my cheek. 

"Of course, love." He murmurs, running his fingers through my long blonde hair. Freya, seemingly alarmed, runs out of the cabin to find Kol and I in the tight embrace. I have no idea how long we've been here, just hugging, but it doesn't feel long enough. Kol doesn't even seem to care that Freya sees. 

"What do you want, sister?" Kol asks, though the question doesn't even seem genuine, like a question you feel as if you shouldn't answer or it'll disturb something. 

"I just saw this scene from the window and I was wondering what had happened." Freya explains, her voice sounding defensive. 

"It's a long story. Come on, darling, let's get you inside. Will you bring the bags from the backseat inside, please, Freya?" Kol says, picking me up, bridal style, and carrying me inside. I'll admit, I'm extremely happy he did because my shaking legs can barely hold me up. Kol takes me in and sets me next to the fire. I grab Tia's Grimoire that was sitting over there, opening the book to the page I need. I read and translate the excruciating detail of what happens when you're not a One Hundredth Daughter, as well as what happens if you're unsuccessful. 

If one is not a Hundredth Daughter or is not a Grey Witch and attempts to open the vault that I have sealed with my family magic, they will become entrapped within the vault, never aging, unable to die, until a Hundredth Daughter opens it. Hundredth Daughters have extreme power, but if she cannot harness all of it to complete the spell, or does the spell incorrectly, she will die from the exertion or from the vault itself killing her. She must have much practice in order to open it. She must be able to complete the Resurrection Spell in order to be able to successfully open the vault.

I roughly translate the words from the Latin handwriting and sit there in disbelief. I have to have the power to complete the Resurrection Spell before I can unseal the Grey Vault. My hands begin to shake and my breath comes in gasps as I go into a panic. I can't replace a dead persons life with a living one to bring them back. I just can't. I can't take away someones life opportunities in order to bring someone back from the dead just to open a damn vault. Klaus can wait another millenium to get whatever he wants. I can't do this. 

"Love, what's wrong?" Kol asks softly as he sees my panic. 

"I can't open the vault." I whisper, my eyes wide, tears brimming them. I feel weak for this, but I simply cannot do this. 

"Why not?" He questions, his voice soothing my mind. 

"I have to be able to complete the Resurrection Spell in order to open the vault or it'll kill me. I can't test out if I'm able to, so I can't open the vault." I explain, trying my hardest to keep the tears within the confinement of my tear ducts. 

"Just find a spell equally as complicated and strong and then-" Kol begins, but is cut off by me. 

"Do you not get it, Kol? The Resurrection Spell is the strongest and darkest spell my family has ever created! There is no other spell within these Grimoires as complicated and strong! There are few spells that compare to it within the world! Hell, on top of not being strong enough, I can't replace a dead persons life with one of a living person! It's not my right to take opportunities away from someone living to get back someone dead." I shout at the man in front of me. For a moment, I think I see a flash of hurt in his eyes at my tone or words, but it disappears so quickly I must have imagined it. 

"Nik isn't going to let you go. You haven't a choice but to open the vault. So figure it out." Kol says insenstively. He then stands up, turns around and tries to walk away, but I'm not done.

"Klaus can't force me to do magic. Push come to shove and I'll put my magic in an object and hide it so I can no longer practice." I retort smartly, hellbent on not letting Kol win this. 

"Then he'll kill you." Kol says simply, opening the door to the outside.

"Good." I mutter. This causes him to whip around. 

"Pardon me?" Kol says carefully. I can tell he's holding back a storm of rage from Hell. 

"You heard me." Is all I say as I turn back to the fire, playing with the colors in it like I always do.

"So you want to die? Is that it?" He questions. I laugh maniacally. "Because I can do it right now and make it swift and painless." He continues, rushing up to me. 

"Do it." I whisper. His eyes widen in shock. I laugh again. I now feel as if I'm out of control of what I do. I feel as though I'm an outsider, looking in on my own body. "What, is the great maniac Kol Mikaelson afraid to get a bit of blood on his hands?" I ask with amusement. 

"You're not yourself." Kol murmurs quietly. 

"Of course I'm myself, Kol. You don't know me. You know what I allow you to know." I tell him, now standing up, unable to control my words or actions. I walk up to him, us now being face to face, our faces inches apart. 

"I know you better than you think, Elizabeth Grey." He whispers, his hot breath hitting my face temptingly. 

"Of course you do, Kol, of course you do." I reply sarcastically, placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezing it. I hear Freya chanting and, suddenly, everything goes black and I hear Kol shout my name, then nothingness. 

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now