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I wake up some time later with a pounding headache, as well as an aching back. I sit up and see a beautiful mountain in the distance. I've been in Georgia enough to know these are the North Georgia Mountains. As I become less disoriented, I realize I had been laying on Kol, but he's currently asleep. I make a mental note to apologize to him later. For some reason, the idea of me laying on Kol doesn't irk me. 

"About time you woke up. Kol's been asleep for about three, you've been out for about seven. The entire time Kol didn't say a single thing about you being all laid over on him." Rebekah whispers. I know Klaus didn't hear us though, because as soon as she uttered Kol's name I put a sound barrier around us, so only Rebekah and I could hear each other. Since the car ride the other day, I didn't have much of a problem speaking to anyone but Klaus, as I still resent him. And Kol since he insisted on being an asshole, though I found Rebekah and Elijah easiest to talk to. And I'm sure Freya is great, she is just intimidating to me, as I know she has more power than me, though I'd love to learn from her, I'm just nervous to speak to her out of fear of feeling inferior and embarrassing myself. 

"Really?" I ask, shocked. Rebekah gets a bit of a panicked look on her face, which I giggle a bit at. "Sound barrier. Only you and I can hear each other." I assure her. She relaxes. 

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say he actually quite liked it." She says with a small laugh and a big smile. 

"You're telling me you think Kol Mikaelson, arguably the biggest asshole of the house, liked the fact I passed out and slumped over him? Rebekah, I think you may need a professional." I say with a laugh, though I'm still shocked at the fact she thinks Kol liked me laying on him. And it wasn't like it was just my head, my entire torso was laying over him. 

"I know my brother like the back of my hand. Trust me, I'd be willing to bet money on him liking it. I'll interrogate him later, don't worry." She says with a smile and a wink. I shake my head, smiling and laughing a bit. 

"Rebekah, I have a more serious question that I really only feel comfortable asking you." I say tentatively, fidgeting with my hands. 

"Of course, anything, love, what is it?" She prompts, now taking on a more motherly demeanor. Her and Elijah act very parent-like towards me, Rebekah acting like a motherly figure and Elijah acting as a fatherly figure. 

"W-when you lost your mother, how did you cope? And when you, I guess you could consider it as losing your father? I mean, seriously, how on earth do you cope with the loss of your parents?" I ask, the words rushing from my mouth. 

"For a while I didn't have to focus on it, as my brothers and I were running from our father, but when I did have time to focus on it, I allowed myself to grieve. Darling, you're not allowing yourself the time to grieve. You have to give yourself time to accept what happened and then you have to find ways to move on. You'll always feel the pain of the loss, but it'll dull over time. Just allow yourself the time to grieve and it'll all be okay. And you know if you ever need someone to talk to, there's a house full of 6 people, all of whom you can talk to." Rebekah says, her voice soft and gentle. I just nod along, showing I'm listening and really taking her words seriously. I glance out the window and see a familiar area. 

"Klaus, we've been driving for quite a while. My parents - well, technically I do now - own a cabin about a mile up the road. Can we stop for the night so we can get some rest, maybe get some food later on?" I ask tentatively after taking down the sound barrier. 

"Sure, love." Klaus says kindly, obviously feeling bad for me. It's the best time of the year to visit the mountains, late November. The snow was falling onto the already heavily covered ground and the mountains are beautiful and serene. 

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now