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"You're Elle's mother." Elijah says, confusion etched on his expression. 

"Yes, Elijah, I am. Now, let's get down to business. My daughter is not going to open that vault. You can wait another millenium for it to be opened." My mother says through my mouth, while all I can do is watch. I see Freya mouth 'fight' and so I do. 

"Your daughter is going to do whatever she wants, that much as been evident since the moment I met her." Klaus says with a cheeky, sarcastic smile on his face. 

"She will not use such dark magic! I spent years protecting her from her heritage, no matter how hard her father fought against it and I will not let all of that go down the drain!" She shouts. In her moment of emotional turmoil I'm able to come back through for a moment. 

"Don't worry, I'll open it." Is all I'm able to say before my mother takes over again. 

"She will not open the vault. If I must, I will come back to this world and slaughter every last one of you." She says threateningly before leaving my body, allowing me to come back. I fall to the floor, hitting my head, but not passing out from it. It was just rough on my body housing two souls at once. 

"So my mother has not found peace." I murmur as I slowly try to stand, only to fall back down again. I hear screaming and things crashing from Kol's room. My eyes widen and I force myself up. I stagger toward his room and stand in the doorway, barely able to hold myself up. 

"Kol, stop." I manage to get out, though it's barely loud enough for even me to hear. Kol hears it loud and clear though. I see tears streaking his face. 

"You can't try it, it's too risky! If you lose your magic, Klaus will kill you!" Kol tries to reason with me as he approaches me, but I back away, cowering slightly, just as I had done in the store.

"And if I don't try then the vault will kill me." I murmur, trying to keep the trembling out of my voice. As he gets closer, I cower more until I'm on the ground, looking up, wide eyed and trembling, at his towering figure. 

"You're afraid of me." He observes quietly as he crouches down. 

"I can't help it." I whisper. 

"I know, darling. That poor excuse for a man did this to you. He paid for it though, trust me." Kol murmurs, brushing away a tear that fell with the pad of his thumb. 

"My mother did not find peace. Listen to me, Kol. If I start acting differently, know it's my mother, not me." I warn Kol, my voice rushed and frail. 

"Thank you for letting me know, love." He murmurs in my ear as he lifts me up. I look at his room. He absolutely destroyed it.

"Want to know the best thing about magic?" I ask as I lean on him. He hums in response. I wave my hand, fixing everything in his room to leave it spotless. 

"You are amazing, Elizabeth Grey." He says, placing his hands on my waist and kissing me once again, though instead of hunger, the kiss is now tender, loving. 

"You, Kol Mikaelson, need to go back to sleep. Freya told me you hadn't slept since I went out the first time, so you need to catch up on your sleep." I tell him, going to turn and exit the room, but he grabs my hand before I'm able to exit. 

"Stay. Please." He mumbles, not looking me in the eye. I'm confused, but nonetheless I walk back toward him. We walk to his bed. I move his pillow and sit where it would be placed, allowing him to place his head in my lap. I cover him up with some blankets, giving him warmth. I play with his hair as he falls asleep, sitting there and thinking. Rebekah steps into the room, and I put up a sound barrier to only include her and I. 

"Freya told me you finally admitted it." She says with a smirk. I roll my eyes playfully. 

"I know you didn't come in here just to gloat about being right about my feelings toward your brother." I bust her, and she sighs. 

"You're right. Are you sure this Tribrid thing will actually work?" She asks, worry evident in her voice. 

"Hell no. But if I don't try, that vault will kill me. I'd rather try this and risk Klaus' rage than know I have absolutely no chance. This is how it's supposed to be, Bex. I need to do this or I have absolutely no chance." I reply, desperation creeping into my voice.

"Okay, I get it. You have to try. I'll help you through learning Vampirism. I'll help you to control your thirst. Kol will try to help you but he can barely control himself, let alone teach you to." Rebekah says, sounding guilty and looking at her older brother, laying in my lap asleep. He was in such a deep sleep not even an earthquake could wake him. 

"Thank you, Rebekah, that really means a lot." I give her a genuine smile.

"You've got that boy smitten. I haven't seen him sleep so peacefully since we were human." She says softly, smiling with nostalgia.

"He's got me smitten too." I murmur, laughing a bit. 

"He really worships the ground you walk on. I've seen the way he looks at you, the way he watches you to make sure harm never comes your way. It was everything we could do that time at your house to keep him from going in with you. He was angry with us for days because we didn't allow him to go in with you immediately. He sat with you the entire time you were out after the incident with Kaden. He barely slept through that time because he didn't trust us, especially not Nik. He was barely allowed in the room with you. Elijah and I gave him breaks, but he'd sleep in that chair and we'd stand in the doorway. He would get maybe an hour of fitful sleep. I've never seen him care for someone like he does you. He loves you, Ellie." Rebekah rambles, still smiling.

"He doesn't love me, Bex. He may care for me, but he doesn't love me." I mutter. She laughs as if it's the most ridiculous thing she's ever heard. 

"Do you love him?" She asks, now completely serious. 

"Yes." I answer without hesitation, unable to keep my true feelings for Kol to myself. I told Freya some, but Rebekah is like a motherly figure to me. I know I can tell her anything. Elijah then walks in, and I allow him into the sound barrier. 

"I saw you standing in the doorway but didn't hear a sound, so I figured you were having a conversation- is that our brother sleeping in a girls lap?" Elijah asks in disbelief. 

"Sure is. Guess what Ellie just told me." Rebekah says with a huge smile. She looks to me before sharing, though. When I nod, giving her the go ahead, she just begins gushing. 

"So I was talking to her about Kol the day Kaden attacked her and Kol killed him and all of that fun stuff because she doesn't believe that he loves her. Then I asked her if she loves him and she said yes! Our little girl is growing up, Elijah." Rebekah says, wiping a fake tear from her eye.

"Yes, it seems she is. You may not believe it, but I've never seen him so at peace before. Not even when we were the most feared family, and not even when we were human did I ever see him look so peaceful." Elijah says, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips, threatening to become a real smile. 

"And tell her how much Kol worships the ground she walks on!" Rebekah says, looking between us and Elijah. 

"Let's just put it this way. If you were to tell him to bow before you, he'd do it. No questions asked. And, trust me, he would take a dagger to the heart before doing that for anyone else." Elijah says, which confirms what Rebekah had said. I look down at Kol, admiring his features for a moment and when I look up, the two siblings are gone. I look back down to Kol, taking in every single detail of his sleeping figure. His brown hair that falls slightly over his face, his pale skin, and his rosy lips. I want to kiss him, but in order to do that I'd have to wake him up, so I refrain for the moment. I freeze up as he begins moving, but it's only to turn over onto his stomach, wrapping his arms around my torso. I smile down at the boy, finally feeling at peace.

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now