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Kol had been searching for Elizabeth for hours. He heard a scream earlier, but he had been so panicked that he couldn't pinpoint the location, just that it was her scream. He knew it wasn't a scream of alarm or horror, it was a scream of pain. His ears had filled with a ringing after that and he could hear nothing else.

Kol continues to speed through the woods, running into his siblings, who were also looking for Elizabeth, every few moments. Finally, to his heart and mind's pleasure, he hears Rebekah call out, "I found her!"

Every Mikaelson in the woods runs to Rebekah, finding Elizabeth completely unconcious. Her heart still beats and her chest still rises, but there is no response from her.

"She must have passed out from exhaustion." Klaus says, though one could easily hear the doubt in his voice. He knows something else is going on.

"No, she would've passed out in the tunnels, not in the middle of the woods. We're miles from her home." Kol says, his voice utterly broken. He had snapped Grace's neck only moments before he had came to search for her.

"Her humanity came back when she saw you with Grace. It hit her full force and has quite literally knocked her out." Elijah concludes, looking at the girl with pity.

"It's my fault." Kol whispers, sitting down and drawing his legs to his chest, resting his forearms on his kneecaps while he buries his face into them. His body shakes slightly as he tries his best to keep his tears silent.

"It's not your fault, brother. It's Grace's fault." Klaus assures Kol as he kneels down beside him, placing a caring hand on his younger brother's shoulder. Kol doesn't even react to the gesture, so Klaus stands up.

"Alright, we're going to take her back to the Compound so we can wait for her to wake." Klaus says loudly. Kol looks up at him.

"That's how this all started. That's how she got into this mess, you bringing her to the Compound. She's not going back there!" He says as he rushes at Klaus.

"That's also how the two of you met." Klaus reminds him, which makes Kol back off.

"Kol's right, Nik. She doesn't need to go back to the Compound. The house is untouched. We need to keep her here." Rebekah butts in. Klaus whips around to look her, then looks at Elijah for what should happen.

"We should keep her here. But we still need to keep a vigilant eye on her." Elijah says, his voice concluding, leaving no further discussion. Kol nods and walks over to Elizabeth. He picks her up ever so gently, carrying her bridal style back to her old home. When they arrive, Leeroy runs out in a panic.

"What happened to her? Is she alright?" He questions hurriedly.

"She's fine, Leeroy, she's just unconcious." Klaus assures the man, patting his shoulder roughly.

"We're going to wait for her to wake." Kol mumbles, carrying Elizabeth into the house. Leeroy wordlessly guides Kol to her room, not even needing to be asked to do so. Kol lays her down in her bed and covers her up with a quilt sitting at the end. Freya walks in a few moments later.

"Get out of here, Freya." Kol says, clearly on the verge of going into a rage. He steps in front of Elizabeth, almost as if to protect her.

"I need to see if this is a spell. Kol, let me help." Freya says softly. Kol reads her expression. Seeing nothing suspicious, he moves out of the way, though watches closely as Freya closes her eyes, trying to sense any magic.

"There's no sleeping spell on her. She's simply unconcious. Naturally, I mean." Freya tells her youngest brother, who nods solemnly. She walks over to him and embraces him, which he quickly returns.

"The whole thing that started this mess was me asking what was wrong with her the night we were supposed to spend in the cabin. That's what made her turn her humanity off. And then seeing Grace basically jump into my arms and shove her out of the way just broke her. What do I do, Freya? When she wakes up, she's going to hate me." Kol admits, hoping his eldest sibling has all of the answers.

"Elizabeth could never hate you. Trust me, I spent enough time around her to know that not a single bone in her body could do anything but love you. She just has a troubled past, just like you. You'll have to pick and choose your words carefully." Freya tells him, now pulling away and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I just want her to wake up. I'm going to get Elijah to go up north to get that old Witch she's friends with. Maybe she can help." Kol says, walking to Elizabeth's bedside.

"I heard my name." Elijah says from the doorway.

"I need you to go to North Georgia. Over where that cabin is. The town right down the mountain has a store. Get Mrs. Cook out here and see if she can help." Kol says, the desperation in his voice clear as day.

"Kol, no magic is going to wake her up. Her grief was too much to handle, so her brain put her into a coma so she can process it. It's just going to take time." Freya explains with a sigh.

"She has to wake up soon. She is what was making me a better person. I need her." Kol whispers, going to Elizabeth's side and holding her hand. 

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now