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Hours later, I see a car pull up through my peripheral, but I had taken to carving a snake out of a branch. I use one of my old knives, one that ain't worth a shit, knowing the branch would probably demolish it. I had zoned out as soon as I started, about three hours ago. The Mikaelsons hadn't bothered me since I had my moment with that huge oak, thank goodness. As I finish carving the eyes, I watch as a figure approaches from my side. I recognize the figure as Freya. 

"Hey, Elizabeth, Klaus told me to come and talk with you about some things you found." Freya says, her demeanor kind and gentle, similar to Rebekah, just more sisterly rather than motherly. 

"In one of my ancestors journals, yeah. I'll show you." I reply, standing and carefully placing my knife and branch down. I walk with her inside and find the journal, which is now sitting on the mantle above the fireplace. I grab it and flip to the last entry, midway through the journal. Freya looks at it with confusion. 

"It's in Latin." I inform her, to which she nods, but then looks back to me with the same expression.

"It roughly translates to 'I have made a huge mistake. Esther is going to kill me. She is mad I have made these items. She is going to try to get them to either unenchant them or to use them for herself. In this vault I shall seal with the items of my ancestors' Grimoires, the vial where the cure for Vampirism resides, the vial where the cure for Lycanthropy resides, the vial where the Elixir of Witchcraft resides, the vial where the Elixir of the Beast resides, the Star of Integram Immortalitatem, the Ring of Death, the Ferrum Mille Plagis, the Gladius Mortis, and the spells with which these items were created. She is on her way. I shall seal this vault and only a One Hundredth Daughter can open it. The spell to open it is within my Grimoire. Do not attempt to open it if you're not a One Hundredth Daughter, or you will become entrapped within the vault, never dying and never aging. Do not open this vault until Esther is dead or she will come for you.'" I inform her, watching her reaction closely. 

"My mother killed one of your ancestors." Freya mutters, tears in her eyes at the thought.

"More than likely. This is the last entry in the journal, so I imagine Esther was successful. Wait." I say, going to my bag full of journals. I find the journal with the year starting in 997 AD. This would be Tia's child. I search for the journal entries fromm 1001, and quickly discover what I was searching for, though it's also written in Latin.

Abiit credere non possum. Non possum credere matrem veneficae miseram necare. Haec omnia servabat stateram et iam mortua est. Familia mea in futurum retributionem accipiet, simul ac una centesima filia circumvenit. Iterum nos habebimus stateram quae egimus et nemo obstabit quominus id quod iure nostro est regredi debeamus. Mater mea non exiit, sed creatura ejus longe est ab ea. vindicabo.

I roughly translate it to:

I can't believe she is gone. I cannot believe that wretched Witch would murder my mother. All she did was keep the balance and now she's dead. My family will get retribution in the future, as soon as the One Hundredth Daughter comes around. We will once again have the balance we need and no one will stop us from getting back what is rightfully ours. My mother may be gone, but her creations are far from it. I will get revenge.

As I read my discovery to Freya, she looks mortified. 

"Esther might have been concerned of her downfall, or of one Witch having too much power. All of those things are very powerful and sound very dark." I mutter, trying to find some reason behind Esther murdering Tia besides simply wanting those items for herself. 

"She wanted the cure for Lycanthropy for Klaus, she wanted the cure for Vampirism for Finn, she wanted the Elixir of Witchcraft for Kol, and God only knows what she wanted the other items for." I realize, whispering the words. I had not put a sound barrier up, therefore I know everyone can hear me and so everyone knows what their mother tried to do. 

"I don't know why this irks me so much." Freya says, rolling her shoulders back, her disturbed expression replaced with a calm and collected one. 

"Probably because the woman who gave birth to you and raised you for five years of your life murdered someone." I reply as I search through Tia's Grimoire, finding exactly what I need. 

"Wow, this is quite the spell. She really didn't want anyone to try to open it." Freya says as she looks over the pages the spell is written on. It's written in Latin, but Freya can still tell how complicated it is. 

"What if I don't have enough power?" I ask Freya, fear in my voice and eyes. 

"Then the vault won't open and you'll be dead. Kol, get in here!" Freya says, her voice completely serious and down-to-earth. I take a deep, shaky breath. 

"What, Freya?" Kol groans like a little child as he stomps in. I shake my head at the sight. 

"Look at this spell. I've never seen anything like it." Freya tells him, and I can hear the fear in her voice, which, in turn, freaks me out. 

"Yeah, looks pretty complicated. You up for it?" Kol asks, looking to me. I shrug my shoulders.

"What's the most complicated spell you've done?" Freya asks. I walk to my bag and pull out my fathers Grimoire. I flip through it until I find the right one. 

"The Spell of Sanity?" Freya says, more as a question, confusion etched on her face.

"It's a spell I performed on my grandmother. She was diagnosed to be clinically insane, so my father developed that spell. He had me cast it on her, though, because she was set off by men and my mother refused." I explain, looking over the spell. 

"It's complicated, but not as much so as the Grey Vault Unsealing Spell. Did it take all of your power? Make your nose, ears, eyes or mouth bleed? Make you dizzy or faint? Or was it as easy as it was for you to throw those Witches to what seemed to be the other side of town?" Kol questions, looking at me intensely. I had never realized how beautiful his eyes are, as well as how much pain they hold. 

"No. I wasn't even tired afterward. It was relatively easy for me to do, actually. I was never allowed to test my true limits. My mother never allowed it." I reply. Kol and Freya share a look of surprise, as well as understanding. 

"Well, how about we start getting you trained up. You need to see how strong your powers are." Freya says with a smirk, and I now know I'm in for a wild ride. 

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora