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I get the necessary things one needs when camping out in a log cabin. Hotdogs, marshmallows, chocolate, graham crackers, and some fresh eggs. This store is locally owned, so there are eggs from the owners farm, as well as deer burger, wild hog sausage, and some deer cubed steak. I also grab a couple of necessary things for the cat, such as some goats milk, a litter box, and litter, as well as an axe.

"Deer?" Kol asks in disgust.

"It's better than any beef you'll ever eat." I reply with a nod. He just shakes his head. We walk up to the cash register, where the owner's wife was waiting for someone to check out.

"Hey, Mrs. Cook, how have you been?" I greet the old woman I remember all the way back from my childhood. She's one of the only other Witches I know personally, especially in Appalachia. I hear Kol sigh in annoyance behind me. 

"Oh, my goodness if it isn't Elizabeth Grey! I've been great, honey, how have you been?" She greets, grabbing my hands in gratitude to see me.

"I've been getting on, living day by day. It's weird, living alone when I'm used to so much chaos. How's business been?" I continue the conversation as she begins putting numbers in the old calculator and writing out the receipt. Mr. and Mrs. Cook have always refused to use new technology, still using a calculator and writing out receipts, just as they did back when the store was no more than a stand in the square inside of the little town.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, hun. I saw it on the news the other day and it was horrible. You've been in my prayers. Speaking of prayers, are you staying until Sunday? It'd be amazing for you to attend church with me and Ted again. But if not that's perfectly fine. Now, who's this young man right here?" She asks with a suggestive voice. I laugh a little bit.

"This is Kol, he's just a new friend. Him, his siblings, his brothers baby mama, her baby, and I are all staying in the old cabin Daddy built when I was a youngin'." I explain. Kol looks at me confusedly, as my old southern drawl was coming out way more than usual.

"Well, be careful with the baby. It's been real cold outside. But he's certainly a looker." She mutters, her hand against her face as if trying to keep him from hearing, but, unbeknownst to her, he has some of the best hearing in the world, being an Original Vampire. 

"Mrs. Cook! Anyway, does that thing still harass you and Mr. Cook?" I ask tentatively, knowing Mrs. Cook doesn't love to talk about it.

"Ugh, yes! One of my full grown bulls got out last night. He was right at the woodline when I saw him and it jumped on him and killed him! Then he drug that two thousand pound deadweight up the damn tree! Excuse my French, y'all." Mrs. Cook complains. I could tell Kol was getting restless behind me, ready to go.

"Goodness gracious. There's at least three of them around that cabin. I always told Daddy to kill it one way or another but every time he tried, he failed. Lord, one time I even tried to set it on fire! I made a whole spell for it to make the fire invisible. I was only twelve, so I might try again this evening, but it literally shook it off. Then the whole forest almost burned down." I mutter the last part, scratching the back of my neck, but smiling nonetheless.

"I'm not going to charge you for this, darling. But goodness, I remember when your Mama told me about that! She almost killed you. But write that incantation down so I can try it out on the joker. I want it gone." She says, handing me a piece of paper and a pen. I write down 'invisibilis ignis' on the paper and give it back to her. I reach into my wallet and grab a fifty. I try to hand it to her, but she refuses it.

"If you don't want me to pay, then at least see it as a tip. Use it to buy Mr. Cook something for his birthday next week or something. And give him my best wishes. Kol here seems a little restless, so I'm going to take the Passenger Princess back home before he throws a tantrum." I say with a laugh. I just set the bill down on the counter. Kol grabs the paper bags the items were in and takes them out to the car without a word. 

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now