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If one is not a Hundredth Daughter or is not a Grey Witch and attempts to open the vault that I have sealed with my family magic, they will become entrapped within the vault, never aging, unable to die, until a Hundredth Daughter opens it. Hundredth Daughters have extreme power, but if she cannot harness all of it to complete the spell, or does the spell incorrectly, she will die from the exertion or from the vault itself killing her. She must have much practice in order to open it. She must be able to complete the Resurrection Spell in order to be able to successfully open the vault.

Incantation: Ego Centesima filia recludam firmamentum meum cum omni virtute et virtute mea

This spell requires Vervain plants, Lobelia plants, Wolfsbane, pure Vampire blood, pure Witch blood, pure Werewolf blood, pure Original Vampire blood, pure Original Hybrid blood, turned Tribrid blood, Crescent Werewolf venom, blood from the Father, one hundred white candles, the Talisman of a Mikaelson Witch, and the channelled power of all living Mikaelson Siblings and Father of the Hundredth Daughter.

To perform this spell, place Mikaelson Talisman upon the neck of the Hundredth Daughter. All of the plants, bloods, and Werewolf venom will go into a mortar. Crush with a pestle for one minute and spread upon the door of the Grey Vault in the shape of the Grey Family Crest. Spread the candles in a wide circle, big enough for everyone to stand in. Step in the circle with the Mikaelson Siblings. Gather in a circle, Hundredth Daughter facing the Vault. Slice palms and join hands, mixing bloods and gaining power. Light all of the candles. Begin chanting the incantation. Chant alone seven times, then each Mikaelson shall begin chanting, one joining at a time, eldest to youngest, the last to join being the Father. Chant the incantation alone one final time. The door shall open before you and every Witch who has been entrapped within shall exit and you may retrieve whatever items you like.

I'm shocked at the requirements, complexity, and instructions of the spell. I had written all of it town in translation and the word shocked is an understatement. I hear the door to my room open, but I don't glance up, I simply ignore it. My leg bounces and I knaw on my fist in attempt to keep my anxiety and fear in check. 

"How'd the little meeting go, love?" Kol's gentle voice drifts through the air, reaching my ears. He sits down next to me on my bed.

"Well, I know some New Orleans Witches had something to do with the death of my parents. But, Kol, look at this. I just translated this spell and goodness gracious look at it. Just solidifies my point of my heritage not being a coincidence." I mutter, handing him the piece of paper I had neatly written the spell down on. The look on Kol's face tells me he's shocked as well. 

"So you're really going through with becoming a Tribrid?" Kol asks, his voice distant. 

"I have to. It's the only chance I have." I reply, placing my hand on his cheek, rubbing the pad of my thumb over his delicate yet strong skin. He leans into it, placing his hand over mine. Evidently this action is becoming a habit. 

"And what if Nik kills you because you've lost your magic?" He asks, looking at me with his dark brown eyes. 

"I won't lose my magic, but it's the only chance I have at possibly surviving. Kol, if I don't become stronger then the vault will kill me itself." I reply, keeping my voice soft and calm. 

"Why did it have to be you?" He asks quietly, almost as if it were only to himself. 

"Because I'm a strong, badass Witch." I tell him with a playful smirk. He responds by grabbing me and pulling me onto his lap, placing his head in the crook of my neck, kissing gently where an artery lies. 

"That you are, Elizabeth Grey." He mutters into my ear, his voice almost a growl. It shocks me just how much I enjoy this. His arms snake around my wasit, connecting on my stomach. 

"As much as I'm enjoying this, I need to speak with Hayley." I tell Kol as I lean back, my head being placed in a similar area his had been. I kiss his jaw and try to stand up, but he pulls me back down. "Kol." I whine as he does this. 

"Don't go yet." He whispers in my ear, kissing my neck once again. I sigh and turn around, giving him a peck on the lips before standing. This time, he doesn't try to stop me. 

"Hayley, where you be?" I call out loudly, though I know I don't need to, due to her Hybrid nature.

"One second, I'm coming!" I hear her voice coming from the upstairs. She comes down, jumping from the upper level and landing before me. "What's up?" She asks, sounding breathless.

"I was talking to Freya earlier about a gift I have, the same one as Sophie Deveraux. I was wondering if there's anyone within your Pack that needs to find out if they're pregnant, the gender of their baby, who the father is, or if the baby will live to term?" I ask tentatively, hoping I'd not be pushed away.

"Yeah - erm - I'm sure there's some people out there who need to know some of those things. If you want to then let's go. I was about to head out there anyway." She says, running her fingers through her hair and nodding. 

"Let's roll, then." I say, walking right behind her as she goes out to the her car. 

"So you're an untriggered Werewolf." Hayley tries to strike up a conversation. 

"Yeah, I am. When you triggered the curse, how did you cope?" I ask slowly. Hayley seems to think on it for a moment before answering, clearly choosing her words carefully. 

"I didn't. When I transformed for the first time, it was in my adopted parents' livingroom. I was thirteen and they immediately kicked me out. It was a complete accident, the murder I committed. I was on a boat trip, I was drunk, and it just sort of happened. I was on my own, so I was focused on simply surviving and finding my birth family. I didn't have time to think about being a Werewolf." She replies as we come to a stop. We step out of the car and begin making our way to an old wooden house. 

"Hello, Hayley, who is this? Not some Vampire, I hope." Says an old woman with somewhat short gray hair. 

"No, Mary, Elizabeth is not a Vampire. Also, Mary Dumas, Elizabeth Grey." Hayley assures the older woman. I take note of her name being Mary. 

"What are you then, because you definitely ain't human." Mary questions. 

"She's a-" Hayley begins. 

"Let the girl speak for herself." Mary interrupts. 

"I'm a Witch-Werewolf Hybrid." I mumble, not looking the older Werewolf in the eye.

"Who's your parents?" She asks, looking me up and down. 

"Leeroy Grey and Elise Byrnes." I reply, watching my feet. 

"Take your shirt off." She says quickly. I don't even question it, lifting the fabric from my skin. She and Hayley both gasp. 

"You're a Crescent Wolf."

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now