11 (Elizabeth's POV)

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Everything is so dark and it's terrifying. It has been dark for however long I've walked. Suddenly, though, I see a door. A door which contains some light behind the clouded glass. I walk toward the door, but it seems to be moving. 

"No, wait!" I shout as I make a mad, vampire-speed dash for the door, though I fall just short as I begin to tire out. I make one more try for the door, managing to grab onto the handle. I was right, though. The door is moving at an incredible speed. It seems to be locked, a key hole staring right back at me as I come to this conclusion. I search my pockets and find a whole bunch of keys. 

I begin putting them in, one by one, and trying to open the door. Every time it's unsuccessful, though I make sure to store the keys in the opposite pocket, just in case I accidently don't get the key in all the way, or make a natural error. Finally, after seventeen keys, I open the door, shocked by the lack of light because of how bright it looked from the other side of the clouded glass. 

I'm absolutely amazed by what is behind the door..

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now