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We've been driving for seven hours, only half way to our destination. I've been cramped in the backseat between Rebekah and Kol and it's driving me insane with their bickering. 

"No, you're the one who-" Rebekah begins, but I groan in annoyance.

"Would you two just shut up?" I yell angrily. When Kol goes to open his mouth, I use a nonverbal spell to fuse his lips together. I do the same with Rebekah as she opens her mouth. They make some noise still, so I just use a spell to silence them, unfusing their lips. 

"Thank you, Elizabeth, I believe we were all getting tired of their bickering." Elijah says with a laugh. 

"I would just snap their necks, but the last thing I want is Kol slouching over me." I reply, crossing my arms and looking straight ahead as the two siblings on either side of me attempt to scream, but fail and soon give up. Unbeknownst to them, I take the spell off, but they stay silent for another hour and a half.

"Let's play some fun games. How about Never Have I Ever?" Klaus proposes. Everyone but me agrees, but I'm forced into it. 

"Never Have I Ever gone skinny dipping." Klaus begins the game, placing one of his hands on the center console with his fingers spread out. Rebekah puts down a finger, as well as Kol. 

"Never Have I Ever stolen anything." I state, having my five fingers resting on my lap. Everyone's finger goes down. I shake my head. 

"Never Have I Ever had a threesome." Kol says with a smirk. I shamefully put a finger down. Kol laughs loudly, though he doesn't understand the circumstances. Kaden made me. I did it to please him. I didn't want to, but I didn't have a choice unless I wanted to be beaten. Rebekah seems to notice the discomfort on my face.

"Never Have I Ever been raped." Rebekah states. The blood completely drains from my face, leaving me pale. Everyone looks to Rebekah in confusion. I cross my arms over my chest. 

"I'm done playing." I mutter, looking down at my feet. The car goes silent for the next hour or two. Elijah finally turns the radio up, understanding the car isn't going to go back to any sort of chatter after the earlier events. 

Finally, after the very long drive, we arrive in Mystic Falls. As we pull up to my house, I see my boyfriends car outside. 

"How about y'all go and take care of whatever other business you need to attend to while I do this." I say breathlessly, knowing the events that are about to go down. Luckily, Rebekah was facing toward the house. 

"I don't think so, Little Birdie. We'll sit right out here while you get your Grimoires and anything else you need to be able to unseal the vault." Klaus says, a smile on his face. I feel the blood, once again, drain from my face and a small sweat break on my forehead. I could feel my heart pounding and my breath quicken. Klaus obviously mistook this as stress of an escape rather than fear of what awaits me. Rebekah gets out, allowing me to follow. I make sure Kol is obscured the entire time, but I realize that Kaden could see Klaus. I slowly walk up to the house, walking in and immediately closing the door. As soon as I step in, Kaden is in my face.

"Where the hell have you been?!" He yells at me. When I don't immediately answer, he slaps me across the face. Okay, I deserve that, I think to myself. When it takes me another moment to answer, he slaps me so hard I fall to the ground, where he kicks me. I groan out in pain. 

"How dare you not answer your phone! How dare you just leave for a week and not tell anyone! How dare you not tell me where you were going!" He keeps on with his 'how dare you's, kicking me harder each time. Finally, I cry out in pain as he kicks me square in the nose. Tears flow from my eyes.

"Where were you, you little bitch?!" He screams at me, grabbing me by my shirt and pulling me to my feet, only to slap me in the face again. I wince at the pain. This is the worst beating I've gotten to date. I can't bring myself to answer him. His slaps turn to punches. When I finally slump to the floor, barely conscious, I hear Elijah's voice. 

"That's quite enough." He states, rolling his sleeves up. 

"Who the hell are you? Who the hell is that, Ellie?!" Kaden continues to rage, kicking me again, now right in the stomach. It knocks the wind out of me, so I can't even answer him. 

"Elizabeth, invite me in." Elijah says, his voice calm and collected. I phyiscally can't say anything from the amount of pain I'm in. I begin coughing. As I continue to cough, blood comes up. Coughing blood turns to vomitting blood, and I can't stop. I feel so faint and lightheaded that I can't move without getting so dizzy I vomit even harder. 

"Invite us in, Elizabeth!" I hear the faint voice of Klaus, but I can't respond. I feel myself convulsing, and everything goes black. 

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now