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After it warmed up a bit, Kol and I got into the car. It's a clear and sunny day, so more than just a long sleeved shirt and maybe a jacket isn't needed. 

"Ready to go, Princess?" I ask him, a smirk playing on my lips. He shakes his head in amusement, laughing. 

"That's going to be permanent, isn't it?" He asks, looking over at me. I bite my lip to hold in a smile.

"Sure is." I fail at holding in the smile. I lean my head back against the headrest. I finally crank the car. I wait for it to warm up a bit before putting it in reverse.

"What are you doing?" Kol asks, sounding scared for his life. 

"What I do best." I tell him, laughing at the obvious fear in his eyes. "Kol, you're immortal. You ain't going to die if we wreck." I remind him, which he then nods, realizing he looked like an idiot. I reverse down the driveway, knowing how like the back of my hand from doing it so often as a teenager. As we reach the end of it without coming to any form of harm, I turn and smirk at Kol, basically saying 'I told you so'.

I begin making my way down the mountain, jamming out to music. Luke Combs was on the radio, so obviously I would be singing along. In my peripheral, I see Kol watching me, but I pay no mind to it. I'm watching the road carefully, though, making sure to be careful on these roads. Suddenly, I slam on the breaks as I see something dart in front of the car. 

"Well, the brakes work." I say breathlessly, my hands now shaking like a hooker shakes her ass. 

"Why in the hell did you slam on breaks?" Kol yells at me, to which I cower against the door.

"I saw something run in front of the car." I defend, though my voice is small. Kol takes a deep breath, calming himself. To get away from him, I step out to see what I almost hit. I walk around to the front of the car to find a tiny, fluffy black kitten, caked in snow, staring at the car in fear, ears pinned down and eyes wide. As it hears me, it turns to me. I slowly crouch down and reach my hand out, which it runs to, rubbing against it. I gently pick it up and it's shaking in fear, just as I am. 

"Where did you come from, little one?" I ask softly. I'm still crouched down, so I know Kol can't see me. I begin inspecting the kitten for any injury. There are none visible to the eye, but I can see its ribs and hip bones, even through the fluff. I hear the car door open and look up to see Kol glancing over the hood. I cower away and the kitten hisses. 

"K-Kol, can- can you smell any blood?" I ask quietly, terrified of the man I'm looking at. I watch as he takes a deep breath, then shakes his head. There's something in his eyes I never thought I'd live to see. Guilt. I take a deep breath and stand up, the kitten clutched in my arms. I go back to the drivers seat, wondering if Kol was going to say anything about the kitten, but he stays silent. 

"When we get to the store, call Klaus." I mutter. I see Kol nod out of the corner of my eye. Shaking, I put the car back in drive, watching Kol to make sure he wasn't going to make a move to hurt me or the kitten, which is still clutched tightly against my chest, though it doesn't seem to mind. I didn't realize there were tears running down my cheeks until I sniffle, which is when I take my sleeve and wipe the tears away. The kitten purrs, which calms me down slightly. I take a shaky breath as we pull up to the store. I watch from the corner of my eye as Kol pulls out his phone and dials Klaus. He puts it on speaker.

"What do you want, Passenger Princess?" Klaus asks with amusement. Kol hands the phone to me.

"K-Klaus, I f-found a k-k-kitten in the r-road. What do you w-want me to d-do?" I stutter, falling over my words as I speak. 

"First, I don't know nor care, that's up to you. Second, have you been crying, Little Birdie?" Klaus asks, sounding genuinely concerned. I stay silent. 

"She has." Kol answers for me, looking straight ahead with his elbow resting on the door of the car and his head resting in his hand. His other hand was sitting on his leg, which was bouncing. 

"Why?" Klaus demands, now sounding agitated. 

"I raised my voice at her. She slammed on brakes because of that stupid cat and liked to have threw me out the windshield." Kol explains.

"Kol, we've been over this." Klaus says, now sounding as if he were seething, wanting to rip out Kol's throat. 

"I know, Nik, I know." Kol says agitatedly. I'm confused, but I say nothing. 

"Call Freya and see if her and Hayley want to come out here with Hope." Klaus says before hanging up. Kol does as his brother told him and dials Freya, who picks up on the first ring.

"Hello, sister, Nik was wondering if you would like to come out to the North Georgia Mountains to spend some time in a cabin in the woods. Yeah, there's tons to do, like fishing and hunting and hiking and, oh, wait, that's it. And, ooh, get this, we're stuck with a crybaby who goes insane when someone yells at her. Oh, whatever. She doesn't seem to care. Yes, Freya, she's right next to me. Why would I? She's been ignoring- whatever, I'm not doing it. Just see if Hayley wants to come and bring Hope as well. Yeah, I'll send you the address, even if Hayley doesn't want to come. I will, Jesus! Okay, bye." I listen to Kol's side of the conversation. As Kol hangs up, he scoffs, as if Freya had said something to offend him. 

"So are you leaving the cat here or what?" Kol asks, motioning to the precious cargo I was stiff clutching in my arms. 

"Hell no. I'm going to take it back to the cabin for now and ask Klaus if I can keep it." I reply. He scoffs once again. 

"He's not going to let you keep a cat. And, even if he does, I'll just drain it of blood. It'll be a small and nasty meal but oh well." Kol says. I whip my head towards him, anger flowing through my veins. 

"Coque sanguine." I mutter. Kol begins to sweat and pant. 

"What on earth are you doing to me?" He asks, struggling to breathe. His skin becomes red.

"Making your blood boil." I say with a fake sweet smile. As I focus harder, his pain only intensifies. Eventually, though, I lift the curse and allow him no time to breathe before getting out of the car and walking into the store, which he follows me into. He watches me with distain, but I don't even care. My hopes of it being a relatively okay day were down the drain. No one bats an eye at the kitten in my arms.

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now