Author's Note

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The Fight has concluded!

I'm curious to know if you guys already guessed what was coming toward the end, with the whole "who are you" trope. 

I know the POV's switched up a lot, which might have made it a bit confusing, but I hope you all could understand it and remember whose point of view it was. 

I know it was extremely short, being only 12 relatively short chapters, but how much can you really write about when the main character is in a coma? And I didn't want Kol to be moving on, so I couldn't do very much. Barely any wiggle room with that. 

But I hope you guys enjoyed this story within the series as much as I hope you enjoyed the last. 

Anyway, much love to you all,

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now