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I take a deep breath, then begin my counter attack on the intruders. I snap necks with the snap of my fingers. I break legs, I render some useless by taking their magic away. I murder the entirety of the Witches who were within the house in mere moments. Another flood of Witches comes in. It's now that I show them how badly they fucked up, and exactly how they're about to find out. 

My true face comes through as I speed through the lot, holding out my arm and knocking heads from bodies. Blood spatters me, but I don't care. My humanity has been completely turned off, so I feel no remorse doing such a thing. The old me would be breaking down at the first sight of a dead Witch by my own had, but the new me revels in the satisfaction of killing. It's what I'm meant to do. 

I begin to ravage necks, safisfying my everlasting hunger. I feed on every last one of the Witches who had the second flood, tearing every last head off. I take a deep breath and smile, blood covering every inch of my face and body, as what seems to be the last flood of Witches enter. My eyes glow amber as I allow my bones to break. Even with the pain, I manage such a fast transition that I've still got the Witches in shock. It buys me the one second I need to begin ravaging all of them. Even in my wolf state, I still feed. The hunger still drives me on to feed.

As I kill off the final Witch, I transition back to my human form. I walk to my bedroom and grab some clothes, placing them over my now-naked body, my old clothing destroyed by my transition. As I walk out of my bedroom, stepping on bodies, random limbs, heads, and everything in between, I see the entire Original Family, all looking shocked, especially Kol. 

"Dang, y'all missed the show. It was hilarious, really. Those Witches really stood no chance against me. And the look of shock on their faces! Y'all should've seen it." I greet them with a laugh and a smile, though it fades, turning to a stone cold look.

"She has her humanity off." Elijah observes, watching the girl with caution.

"She is also right here." I point out with annoyance. 

"That she is. Now, she also needs to turn her humanity back on to ensure everyones safety. Or will I have to take extra precautionary measures?" Elijah says, his voice holding a tone of threat. 

"What can you do to me that hasn't already been done yet? Take me against my will? Klaus beat you to it a couple of months ago. Make me lose someone I love? Klaus did that too. Ooh, maybe you'll hurt me by saying there's something wrong with me when you're the one who said something provacative. Oh, wait, your other living brother already did that for you too." I spit at him before shoving past the Original Family, out into the open. The rightful place I should be. Outside, giving my wolf her fresh air, as well as with nature, nurturing my magic, fueled by the very thing I'm immersed in. 

"You need your humanity, Ellie!" Rebekah tries to reason. I turn on her, despising the name which she just called me. 

"You dare call me the same thing that scum did? You lot are no better than him. You resort to torture when you don't get what you want. Beating, maiming, killing. What's the difference of you beating someone to death and him beating me, huh? I hope you suffer for all you've done." I tell them, my voice nearing a growl. 

"We have all suffered!" Kol speaks up. 

"Oh, brave, are we? Now, Kol, you know better than to think you've done enough time suffering for all the destruction, saddness, anger, and death you've caused. You might just be the worst out of you lot. Or, maybe that's Klaus. Supernatural creatures do supposedly tremble in fear at the name of Klaus Mikaelson. Or maybe it's Rebekah, with all of her failed love attempts, leading her to all of the betrayal she now lives with the burden of. Or maybe, just maybe, it's poor old Elijah. The noble stag of the Mikaelsons. The one who always finds a solution other than death. The one who would do anything for family. The issue isn't what you lot have done, it's how you treat the things you've done. Kol, Klaus, you two embrace the horrors you put others through. Rebekah, you don't cause too much of a ruckus. But poor Elijah, he sticks everything behind that red door in his mind, convincing him he did no wrong. That if he could justify it by saying it was for family, it'd all be okay. That it wouldn't haunt his nightmares for the rest of his horrid, pitiful days. But it does. I hear you screaming and crying at night. I've heard you mention the red door. 

I've heard you mention Tatia. And Klaus, I've heard you mention Aurora. Kol, you may think I'm stupid, but I've now put together that when you were calling for Grace in your sleep that you were calling for my ancestor. I thought it may have been a coincidence, but now I understand why you're with me. I get it. I completely understand that you want her back. You'll get her back, trust me. And then you'll never see or hear from me again." I speak, uninterrupted, although everyone opened their mouth to interject at some point throughout my speech. 

"You don't understand, Elizabeth! I want you! I'm in love with you!"

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now