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"What?" I ask, confused and shocked. I'm a Cresent Wolf?

"You're an heir of one of the families that are considered royalty among us. There are the Kenners, Labonairs, and Byrnes. We thought every Byrnes heir had been wiped out, especially with the death of your mother. You, Hayley, and my grandson are the leading trio. Your grandfather used to lead with my husband and Hayley's father. When all of them were wiped out, my grandson, Jackson, took over, as his father died when he was young in the fight with the Vampires. You've got Alpha blood in you, girl." Mary explains with a sigh. 

"So you're telling me that I'm an Alpha?" I ask tentatively, looking into Mary's eyes for the first time. 

"Yep, but you won't make a very good one if you keep acting like that. Hayley, go find Jackson." Mary says, then waves to me to follow her inside of her home. 

"Are you going to step up to be an Alpha?" Mary questions, raising an eyebrow.

"I will, but I have some other business I need to take care of first." I reply. 

"You're not triggered, are you?" She asks, motioning for me to sit in a chair across from her. I do so, placing my hands in my lap. 

"No, but I will be in a couple of days. I don't know if I'll even be able to be an Alpha. In order to fulfill my destiny laid out by one of my ancestors, I must become a Tribrid. Theoretically, since I'm a Witch-Werewolf Hybrid, my Witch gene should latch onto my Lycanthropy once triggered and I should be able to become a Tribrid if Klaus Mikaelson gives me his blood, kills me, and I feed on doppelganger blood. But, if I survive what I'm meant to do, I don't see how any Pack could accept a Tribrid into their midst, and certainly not as an Alpha." I explain, expressing my worry.

"As long as you have wolf in you, you'll be accepted into the family as the royalty you are." Mary assures me, reaching over and placing a hand on my arm. I hear the door open and see Hayley and a man walk in. They approach us and take their places on each side of me and Mary. 

"So this is the Byrnes wolf?" The man asks, no particular emotion in his eyes nor voice. 

"No. I may have Byrnes blood in my veins but I am a Grey." I tell him, looking him directly in the eyes, fire burning in mine. 

"She's feisty." Is all he says in response. 

"I take it you're Mary's grandson, Jackson Kenner?" I question, remembering Mary's words from earlier, naming her royal grandson, Jackson Kenner, as an Alpha.

"Yep." He replies, and I find myself annoyed at him. 

"Well, the reason I came here was for two things. One, I would love to offer my magical services to the Pack. Two, I need pure Crescent Werewolf venom and blood." I finally get to the point of my visit.

"And why should we trust you?" Jackson asks, eyeing me up and down with suspicion in his eyes. 

"You have to find your own reasons to trust me, I can't give them to you. Trust is earned, Jackson." I reply, my tone a mix of smartass and seriousness. He really has no reason to trust me and I can't just give him reasons to trust me. 

"That's fair. What do you need Crescent venom and blood for?" He asks, though it sounds more like an interrogative question. 

"It's for a spell I'm working on." I reply honestly yet vaguely, trying to leave out as many details as possible. 

"What kind of spell?" He continues to press.

"An unsealing spell." I answer with a sigh. He says nothing else on the matter, which is confusing, but I'm thankful for not having to deal the questioning any longer.

"So, since you're from an Alpha bloodline, are you going to step up as Alpha?" Jackson asks the same question Mary had earlier. 

"Listen, I have to become a Tribrid to complete this spell, so I don't know if I'll still be eligible for Alpha status anymore after that or if the Pack will even accept me as an Alpha." I express my worry once more, but now to Jackson. 

"If they accept a Hybrid as an Alpha, I doubt they'll see a Tribrid as any different, just like Hope will someday be an Alpha, coming from the Labonair bloodline. It's the same as you being a Tribrid from the Byrnes line." He assures me, just as Mary had. I give a sigh of relief. 

"Well, it's best Elizabeth and I go ahead and go back to the Compound, I'm sure she has someone to attend to." Hayley says with a smirk toward me. I roll my eyes jokingly. 

"Ooh, who's the lucky one?" Mary asks with a smile. She's already my favorite Cresent Werewolf. 

"Kol Mikaelson." I answer bashfully. Jackson raises an eyebrow, obviously now suspicious of me. 

"Well, I can't say I blame you. He's certainly a looker. All of them are, really. But be careful, that boy is more explosive than a baby's bowels after having something bad to eat." Mary warns, pointing at me like old people tend to do for some reason. 

"Yes, ma'am, I know he's explosive. But, for some reason, he's different around me. I managed to stop him from killing a man in North Georgia. I went in a store while he sat in the car and the cashier tried to make.. advances. He had me pinned by the throat and when I yelled his name he got in there quicker than I'd ever seen a Vampire move and got him off me. He was about to kill him but I asked him not to. He just got me out of there and spared the man. I had never heard of Kol Mikaelson sparing anyone in history until that day." I gush, smiling at the thought of him. That's how I know I'm in deeper than I need to be. If I'm smiling at the mere thought of him, I'm in way too deep.

"Well in that light he sounds lovely. I don't think I've ever met the boy, just heard stories. But y'all should get going, it's getting late." Mary says kindly, standing up. We all stand along with her and Hayley and I make our way towards the door. We say our last goodbyes and make our way to the car. 

"I really don't think the Pack needs more than two Alphas." Is the first thing Hayley says as we drive off back toward the Compound. 

"I think it'll be good, having views from three different points rather than just two. And when it comes to major decisions there can be a vote, two out three majority. It'll make things generally easier." I reply, thinking my reasoning is pretty good. 

"Okay, but three Alphas is a little excessive." Hayley retorts, her tone becoming hostile. 

"Are you trying to tell me you don't want me to step up as an Alpha?" I ask outright, realizing that's what she's getting at. 

"All I'm saying is that you weren't even raised as a Werewolf and you had no idea you were a Crescent until now. You don't know how the Pack functions or anything and you'll just be a novice Alpha." Hayley tries to reason, and I'm appalled by it. 

"Hayley Marshall, you were born Andrea Labonair and had no idea until a couple of years ago, and on top of that you didn't know anything about the Crescent Wolves until you stepped up as an Alpha. You thought your birthmark was nothing, yet you think you're more qualified to be an Alpha than me?" I retort, confused as to exactly what she thought she was proving with her statement. 

"But it's a Labonair birth right and I'm the only heir." She tries to defend, but it's no use. 

"Huh, sounds a lot like my situation too. It's also a Byrnes birth right and I'm the only Byrnes heir, even without the inherited surname, as of a couple of months ago. Hayley, I'm going to step up as Alpha. It's my duty, being a part of an Alpha bloodline, just like you." I tell her, finally fed up with her pointless defenses. She stays silent for the rest of the car ride. We pull up to see Klaus standing outside.

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now