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I wake up on the floor, Bonnie still sitting next to me and Robert still dead on the floor. I scream out of pain. My bones feel like they're breaking. Everyone realizes what's happening. 

"Klaus, what do we do?" I hear Rebekah ask, but it's almost like it's in the background, underlying in what sounds like a swarm of bees, as well as a tsunami wave, blasting in my ears. 

"I'll take care of it." Klaus says, and I vaguely feel him pick me up and speed off somewhere. I feel as I'm dropped to the hard ground and chains are put on me, as well as a substance poured down my throat, which burns so bad I scream and tears run down my face. I let out another gut wrenching scream, then the pain subsides for a moment, just long enough for me to realize I'm in the cellar and Kol is on the other side of the shut cage door. Freya is there, putting a boundary spell up. 

"Let the pain in, Elizabeth! Don't fight it!" Kol says, though his voice is pained. I cry out in pain once more, forcing myself onto my hands and knees. I take a deep breath. 

"God, this shit hurts!" I yell out, teeth gritted. I feel claws extend from my nails, fur appears on my body, and my backbone is breaking, as well as my arms and legs. I feel a snout elongating and I finally just let go, allowing the pain to consume me, no longer fighting against it. I take a breath, finally free of the pain, but I catch a scent. An ever so sweet, attractive scent. One that makes me want to rip out the throat of whatevers causing it. My head whips around. I scent the creature next to me, half Vampire half Werewolf, and decide he's not worth it. I turn the other way and see another, this one full bred Vampire. He's the scent I'm catching. I throw myself toward him, stopped by chains and an invisble barrier. 

I'm quickly able to break the chains with very little effort. I throw myself against the barrier, getting flown back every time, hitting the wall of the area I'm confined to. It sends a wave of pain through me each time, but I still get up and try again. And again. And again. Eventually, after my muscles are sore from the exertion, a wave of pain courses through me, just like it did earlier. I allow it to consume me, allowing a quick and easy transition back to a human. Immediately, a blanket is thrown over me, and I see Kol standing above me. He sits down next to me and I move over and lay my head on his lap. Instead of leaving me like that, he takes me and pulls my entire being into his lap, resting my head against his shoulder and holding me almost like an oversized baby. Although I'm naked, the only thing keeping me from not being totally exposed being the blanket Kol had provided me with, I wrap my legs around his torso and wrap my arms around his neck. He adjusts the blanket to cover my entire back, my bare body being pressed against him. Suddenly and uncontrollably, I begin to sob. 

"It's alright, love." Kol whispers softly in my ear, lowering the blanket enough to reveal my shoulder, tracing my Crescent Pack mark softly with the very tip his finger. It's enough to make me shudder. I hold him as tightly as possible. I realize my hearing is much sharper now, as well as my vision, sense of smell, and what I can physically feel. I don't respond to him, though. I just let the sobs rack through my body until my voice is gone and I only have a far away look in my eyes. 

"Come on, darling. Let's get you back to your room so you can sleep." Kol says, lifting me up. He managed to adjust me to bridal style and fixes the blanket to completely cover me. We walks me to my room and lays me down on my bed, placing my covers over me. He kisses my forehead and walks out. I just stare at the wall, unable to fall asleep, no matter how hard I try. 

Every time I close my eyes, I see me plunging the knife into Robert's heart and it kills me to see it. Another fit of sobs racks through my body, leaving me nearly incapacitated. Eventually, though, after the day has passed and it's become night, I'm completely numb to it.

The Grey Witch Series - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now