Chapter One

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"You are the whisper I long to hear when the world is shouting"

We're back
And guys, please talk😭

Wind ripped past and tore through her hair, streaking the air with blonde. Open road and sunny skies. Clouds formed in the distance, promising rain, the smell of it filling the air.

Reaching down and grabbing her phone, Natara found the contact she was looking for, still focused on the road as she put the device to her ear.


Of course. Rolling her eyes when she heard the familiar words and hating the way her brain knew how to translate them, Natara rested her phone between her shoulder and ear, remaining focused on the road. "Hello, Soloman." Picking up speed, she could only smile brightly at the freedom in this moment.

"Nok, how are you?"

A question she didn't yet know the answer to. She'd avoided thinking about it from the moment the keys to this vehicle had been put in her hand. "I've been better." Much better.

The man on the line grunted, clearly listening to her background. "Where are you?"

Revving the engine and sighing, Tara grinned. "Open road. But I could be on my way to you if you wanted..." A sultry tone.

That's why she'd called. She hadn't seen the man since her last trip to Thailand and desperately needed the distraction.

"Can't. I'm not in Thailand."

Natara frowned. "Where are you?" Solomon didn't have much of a life. Let alone one outside of Thailand.


Alaska?? What the hell- "What the hell are you doing in Alaska." Of all the places to choose from. "I've heard it's rather cold."

"Family visit."

Oh. She'd forgotten about those relatives of his. A laugh left her throat. "Are they going to set you up with someone again?" She heard the sound he made and her laughter grew louder, being torn from her mouth and captured by the wind the second it escaped.

"I'm leaving in twenty minutes."

But her laughter died when she heard his tone. Or rather, she heard the lack of irritation in it. "Solomon," She started suspiciously, "Are you actually looking forward to it?" His silence answered enough.

Adjusting the phone, still focused on the road, she spoke again. "I'll be damned."

"Shouldn't you be bugging Natasha?" He grumbled.

But now all humor drained out of her and she found herself blinking, the air no longer feeling freeing but forceful, as if pushing her back towards where she'd left. Who she'd left.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing." Natara responded too quickly, looking offended. His assumptionbsidetracked from her thoughts. "I promise... It's complicated. But we'll see each other again. Soon." She hoped her words didn't sound as empty as they felt.

But Solomon was silent now.
Until he spoke again.

"I can meet you somewhere if you want? I can leave right now."

And selfishly, she almost said yes. But she knew it would be wrong. He had a date and actually seemed to be enjoying himself. "No, no it's fine."


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