Chapter Twelve

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"You touch me and suddenly I feel a little less war torn. I'm sot sure what peace is supposed to feel like, but I think it may feel a lot like you."

"Are you done yet?" Natara drawled from her bed, lying on her back and studying a book called 'How to learn Ancient Greek for dummies!'

"I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this," Natasha sighed as she walked out of the bathroom, securing the last hoop in place.

"Because you kept it from me," Natara declared, looking shocked that Nat even dared to question why.

"I didn't know it was important."

Natasha- the beautiful fool she was, had multiple- and by multiple Natara meant multiple, ear piercings. Like a lot. And she'd never known.

She had only found out today because she'd noticed the visible holes in the blonde's ear. And she'd only seen those because Natasha had apparently worn all those earrings recently.

Said traitor neared the bed and drew in closer to the brunette who effectively dropped the book at her side and sat up, causing Nat to blink at their sudden closeness. But it seemed affection wasn't on Tara's mind. She propped a finger under Natasha's chin and moved her head to the side.

"Well?" Nat asked, hearing Natara's soft inhale.

"That's ridiculously unfair."

"What is?" She asked, confused at Natara's huff.

"You've always been annoyingly attractive, far surpassing the point of distraction. And this makes you even hotter."

Blinking, Nat smiled. "You're complaining to me about annoyingly attractive and distracting? Do you have any idea how long I've thought that about you?"

Natara didn't comment on her remark. "The earrings are staying in."

"Oh, really?" Nat smirked. They were both in bikinis covered by light clothing as they'd been getting ready to head to the beach when the whole earring fiasco happened. Natasha fixed the necktie of Natara's costume, hearing her give a hum.

"You can kiss me now. I know you want to," Natara told her.

Failing to hide her smile, Natasha did. Her hand moved into Natara's hair which was down. Their two weeks in Malta had been incredible and the sun had darkened Natara's skin and lightened parts of her hair.
So in short, she'd literally become even more beautiful, now also glowing with a happiness Nat wasn't used to seeing.

She pulled away and rested their foreheads together. "You were the one complaining about how attractive I was. So I'm pretty sure you're the one wanting to kiss me-"

Natara interrupted her.
"I wasn't complaining." And then she kissed her.

A few minutes later, both women flushed and hair slightly messy, they gathered their things for another day at the beach.

Surprisingly, neither of them were bored yet. They were used to having a busy schedule and always needing to do something or the other. So the relaxation of the past few weeks was foreign but they were enjoying their peace.

"Ya Rouhi," Tara called. "We're going to be late and those old couples will take our spot."

"Right behind you," Nat mumbled, slipping on her shoes before exiting the house, turning to lock up.
Looking behind her, she watched Tara's foot tapping impatiently, hand open and waiting too.
Shaking her head, Nat took her hand and they headed towards the beach, faster due to Natara's lead.

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