Chapter Fourty-Nine

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"With you went so much of me."

Four months later

"She's going to kill me," Natara mumbled, resting her head in her hands.

Alessia huffed, wiping the sweat off her forehead. "For the millionth time, there's a much higher chance of the dozens of men literally tracking and trapping us right this second, killing you. Natasha can get in line."

"You don't get it," Natara groaned. "I was supposed to be better at this this time. And she hasn't heard from me in three months. What if she thinks I died? Oh Gods, she'll kill me for dying." Natara looked panicked. "She'll also kill me if she thought I was dead and then finds out I was actually alive and didn't tell her."

Alessia glared. "Then her and these guys have a lot more in common than I'd thought."

"Right," Natara chided herself. "You're right. Priorities." Still it was hard to get the thoughts out of her head. She didn't want to know what Natasha was going through. Either believing she was dead-- Gods above, or believing Natara had completely left her this time.

Gunshots and footsteps were getting louder now, and Natara groaned.
"How much longer is this going to go on?" She readied herself physically and mentally.

Alessia moved behind her. "I don't think I can deal with it lasting much longer."

Natara glared at her now. "What? Is all the hiding behind me and staying safe while I almost die, tiring for you?"

Allesia rose to full height and glared right back. "I'm sorry, did you want to switch places? Yes! Why don't I fight and you can do everything I've been doing to get us out of here. That's just perfect, because last I checked- you could hardly use the internet!"

"Kol Khara- I'm still on the part where you wanted to fight-"

Alessia hissed. "Stop calling me things in Arabic when you know I don't understand-"

A bang was heard on the door then.
"Ladies!" A loud and male voice spoke, practically oozing with smug arrogance. "We've been chasing you for months and you still haven't outrun us! Give yourselves up now and we might even go easy on you. You're outnumbered five to one!"

Natara pulled a face, not that he could see it. "If I were you, I wouldn't be so openly declaring that you've failed to apprehend us for that long! It's a little embarrassing, don't you think?!"

She heard his grunt and knew he was done talking.
Her and Alessia eyed each other. "I've taken on worse odds," Natara breathed, her lack of confidence not comforting.

"On your own?" Alessia asked.


Just then, the men outside managed to drill a big enough hole through the thick metal door.
"Back!" Natara shoved Alessia and not even a second later, an explosive was pushed through.

Deciding now was as good a time as any to test a theory, Natara leaped forward, covering it with her body.


The explosion went of and... nothing. Her suit absorbed the fullest effects of the blast.
Natara looked up, very grateful to be alive, before grinning.
"I think our odds just improved."

"Did you know your suit could absorb that?"

"No. Glad it does though."

"Ma dai!"

Natara looked around for a few seconds before darting to the wall, near the just made hole. She pressed her back against the metal and looked through the gap for a second. Clear.
She could hear footsteps coming and quickly lined her gun up.

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