Chapter Fourty-Seven

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"The walls closed in, the lights turned off, and the house is empty. It was too late now."

"...That's pretty much everything you'll need to find. It's easy once you get to know the place." Natara finished going through the general layout of the compound.
Alessia shot her a grateful smile.

"Just remind me where the bathroom is?"

Natara pointed to her right and nodded. "Take a left, it's right there."
The Italian gave a quick smile.

"Thanks. I won't be long."

Once she was gone, Natara took a deep breath, eyes slowly going to Natasha who was also avoiding eye contact. Clearly sensing her gaze then, the blonde turned to her, green eyes making Tara swallow.

"Hey," She said softly, feeling nervous in front of Natasha.
Nat's lips twitched.

The blonde's small smile slowly faded and she tried to look unphased. "She's pretty."

Natara looked over to the direction Alessia had gone, shrugging. She took a few steps closer, feeling stupid for being nervous. "I guess."
Nat just shot her a dry look before taking a deep breath, putting on her serious and professional facade.

"How long you here for?"

Natara looked her over, struggling to really look at her. She's forgotten how beautiful Natasha was. How truly incomprehensible that beauty was. How much just being around the blonde intoxicated and clouded her head.
"As long as I need do."
The other Avenger just raised a brow, so Natara explained.
"You and I need to talk. About a lot."

Even though Natasha looked unaffected by the words, Tara caught the anxiety in her body and face at her statement. She knew her wife too well to miss it.
"Should I be worried?" Nat asked plainly.

"No." Natara took off the jacket she'd put on before she came in. Hanging it up, she allowed herself a few seconds to collect herself. She could feel Nat's gaze on her the whole time. She turned back soon after. "There's just... a lot. It's nothing to worry about, we just need to talk. We haven't done that yet."

Nat looked her over, analyzing all of her. "Okay."
Slowly, the spy met her eyes, a small nervous smile pulling at the corner of her mouth then. "You hugged me."

Natara blinked, realizing where this was going and suddenly fighting a smile of her own. "I did," She nodded.

Nat's brows quirked upwards and her growing smile was a lot more obvious. "Is that all I get?"

The redhead frowned, faking confusion but moving closer. "Was there something else you wanted?"
Those gentle green eyes made the assassin weak, looking at her with a light she hadn't seen in a while.
And a light she'd never had directed at her to quite the same extent. Only Natasha had ever looked at her like that, had ever made her feel like she was truly seen. Even when she didn't want to be.

"I don't know," Nat murmered, hand going to Natara's waist, fingers playing with the fabric of her tank top. Her heart was thrashing wildly and her fingers ached to tighten their hold, never wanting to let go.
She saw the way Natara tuned into the small touch and a part of her reveled in it.
In the physical reassurance that Natara still reacted to her physically.

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