Chapter Fourty-Eight

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"We're just kids. We aren't supposed to be heroes."

"Natara-" Nat pleaded as the redhead entered and brushed straight past her.

"I'm going out," Natara said, walking in and grabbing her phone.

Nat spun to her. "Tara- let's talk. You wanted to talk."

"I'm going out."

Natara, having her phone in hand now, walked back out. "We'll talk tomorrow. I need some time to myself."

"I'm sorry. Tara, baby, I'm so sorry-"
The door closed right on her and Nat's words caught, breaking.
She rested her head against it, tears falling.

For someone who'd spent her whole life hating herself, Nat knew without a doubt... this was an all new level of that.


Natara sped off, the bike humming beneath her. She felt blank, empty. Her brain still hadn't fully comprehended everything. Gods, it had all gone downhill so fast.

She climbed off and started walking after a good two hours, no destination in mind.

She wasn't angry, or even hurt with what Natasha had said. She was just... blank. None of it made sense. Where the words had come from, if they'd been true or just a way to hurt her. But surely Nat wouldn't have stooped so low? Yet she had.

Natara knew it was a flaw of hers-- of Natasha's. The blonde would get guarded or want to hurt others instead of being hurt, and when that happened... well Nat tended to say things that had a tendency of sticking.
Natara knew and accepted that flaw. They all had different ways of guarding themselves, different materials used to build their walls.

She'd just... she'd never expected Natasha to have used it to that extent. And against her.

It was definitely getting darker when Tara heard a commotion behind her, breaking her out from her thoughts.

"It is her!"


"Move, move move-"

"Ms Faez! Ms Faez-"

Natara turned and felt her exhaustion double up at the site of cameras and people. How the hell were they here?

Withing seconds she was swarmed, questions being shouted and cameras flashing. It was all a bit too much after the day she'd had.

"Natara Faez, there were rumors of you being in France. Are these true?"

"What brings you back to America?"

"Are you back at the Avengers compound?"

She reeled back when a authoritative voice told everyone to shut up.
All of them, including Natara, looked to the origin of the voice.
It was a woman, slight, and modestly pretty.

"Natara Faez," The woman said, gaze direct and tone professional. "Would you be okay with answering a few questions?"

"Do I have a choice?" She asked, literally surrounding and too tired to argue.

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