Chapter Nineteen

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"The truth will set you free... but not until it is finished with you."


She saw Nat's head snap up quickly, a hopeful expression appear before it was gone just as fast. She seemed to take a calming breath before turning to the other blonde.

Natara was staring at the door, a mix of apprehension and trepidation filling her lungs like oxygen. She thought of Natasha, guarding her hope like it might disappear, kissing her, avoiding eye contact with her after kissing her. Even now the Avenger was watching her, clearly analyzing her expressions.
The thought unnerved the assassin because she knew Natasha could probably read her while she couldn't read the spy. She didn't like not having the upper hand but tried to shove it away.
In just a few minutes she'd have her memory back and everything will be different.

"You ready?" Nat asked, swallowing. She looked nervous as hell and Natara schooled her expression to try not appear the same.

With a tense nod they both stood and went to find Melina.


"Drink this."

"What does it do?" Natara asked skeptically, looking at the vial she'd been handed.

"That substance has a chemical sister which is what the gem will be put into. I've analyzed it's properties to the best of my ability and this is the highest and safest option." Melina glanced at Nat during the last part. "I promise."

"The safest?" Nat asked with a small frown. She was still avoiding Natara's eyes. "So there's no chance of harming her?"

"There's always a chance," Melina replied easily, a concentrated look on her face as she looked closely at the glowing blue gem.

"Melina-" Nat started, already sounding tense.

"It's fine, Nat," Natara interrupted, watching those green eyes look at her before Nat gave a single nod, taking a step back and crossing her arms. She didn't look comfortable with the whole situation.

"I can inject it into you if you'd prefer?" Melina offered.

"No," Natara said too quickly. "No injections." The thought of needles in her body only reminded her of things she would like to forget.

Natara was still a little nervous but she needed to do this. For everyone. For Nat. For herself.

"Here." Melina handed her another glass, answering before she could even ask. "It's Vodka. You might need it."

Natara's eyes went wide before she grimaced, not sure how to politely decline when the glass was taken from her hand gently.

"She doesn't like drinking," Nat smoothed over before swallowing the contents in the glass herself, the alcohol gone in one smooth motion.
Melina looked at her cautiously before realizing her daughter may be onto something afterall. She poured herself a glass too and swallowed it just as easily.

Great, Natara was feeling just swell about her chances now if these two women were anything to go off on.

"Alexi will get more later. He's always down there anyway."
It was true, Melina had temporarily kicked him out during Natara's stay, deciding he didn't help the already tense situation.

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