Chapter Twenty-Two

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"True love is accepting the responsibility of carefully handling another's fragile heart."


Nat laughed as Tara entered with a frown on her face, green sweater with a large christmas reindeer designed on it. "Very cute," She approved, seeing her girlfriend glower.

Natara came forward with a self pitying expression, pushing herself against Natasha and leaning her head on her shoulder.

Nat struggled to see past the head of red hair in front of her face. Natara had gone just last week to get it dyed. She hadn't liked the blonde anymore and the spy knew it reminded her of her past self, the one she could finally leave behind after overcoming it twice.
And since Nat was blonde, Tara had decided to go red. Something she found very, very attractive.

"I look like a fool," Tara muttered, Nat patting her back. She was surprised she herself hadn't had to physically put the sweater onto Natara.

"You look adorable."
She heard a suffering groan as her girlfriend buried herself further into her shoulder.


Nat took a breath at Natara's words, directly meaning 'you bury me'. Natara had explained the real meaning though. They meant I would rather die and be buried than lose you. In shorter words, 'I love you so much'.

"I love you too," She replied.

"No," Natara spoke up. "I wasn't saying it. I was reminding myself. This sweater might just make me forget."

Rolling her eyes now at her girlfriend's childishness, Nat let out a sigh. To think she'd been dating her for almost six months already and they were going into the new year together. 2017 was going to be their year. All she needed to have was Natara and she was good to go.

Tara pulled herself away and went to collapse onto the couch.

"Don't even think about it," Nat warned, seeing her fiddle with the sweater. "Not until I get a photo."

"You will not."

The blonde raised a brow but Natara looked stubborn.

"You can't make me."


Natasha looked at the picture of Tara in the reindeer sweater proudly, placing the frame down above the fireplace. She pointedly ignored the picture of herself in a blue Santa Claus sweater placed beside it.

Natara walked in, hair damp with a baggy t-shirt and long pajama pants on. Due to the cold air, Nat could see her girlfriend wore no bra and the water dripping from her hair onto her white shirt made her take a slight breath.

Christmas was next week and the place they planned on calling home for as long as possible was decorated fully. It was both of their first times ever decorating a house for Christmas and they'd gone a little overboard.

"My best work," Natara murmered, gazing at the picture of the blonde in her blue sweater.

"You're a pain in my ass."

"You love me."

Nat turned and paused at those green eyes staring intensely into her own. She'd always found that intensity so overpowering when all focused on her. The Avenger realized that now she would feel naked without it.

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