Chapter Fifty-Nine

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"Perhaps she was glass. But glass is only brittle until it breaks.
Then it's sharp."
"In this short life that only lasts an hour
How much-- how little-- is within our power?"

"Natara- you can't walk in there blind-"

Natara pulled her glove back, securing it on her hand. She looked around, getting ready to exit the vehicle. "Watch me."

She went to open the back door when the whole car locked and it appeared to... fortify itself?
"Alessia," She warned, not even knowing when she'd had the time to do this to the car.

"You're being am impatient fool," Alessia snapped. "Take this." She handed her a communicator. "This place has numerous traps, and those are just the ones I could detect. Natara- this place is a minefield. If she's in there I don't even want to know wh-"

Natara's look cut her off, the redhead swallowing thickly. "She's in there," Natara breathed. "She's okay. She can handle herself."

"You were the one who was saying-"

"Alessia-" She cut off. "Please."

"Sorry." Alessia looked her over, turning very serious. For some reason, she had a really bad feeling about this mission. "I need you to use your head in there, Natara."

"I always-"

"Not right now you're not. You're angry... and you're scared. And that's okay. But if she's in there, she needs you to have a clear head. You need to walk out of this."

Natara glared, clenching her jaw. "My head is clear." She leant forward and pressed the button itself to unlock and unarmour the car.


"And his is about to leave his shoulders."
Natara got out and closed the door fast, not sparing a moment as she drew near the building.
She got the first couple steps in when she activated her comms.

"Asshole move, Natara. Now go straight ahead three feet before turning right."


Ten minutes later and Natara had sweat trickling down her back and her limbs shaking. She wasn't an acrobatic person, not truly. But this security system wasn't leaving much choice. She was wasting time and she'd barely entered the building.

"Keep going, there's a room ahead but I can't detect anything in it. So be careful."

Natara, straightening up from where she'd been bent and twisted to get across wires, took a breath before entering the room. There was nothing in this room. Literally nothing.

Just then the doors locked, metal walls sliding over everything. Natara ran towards the open door right as she was thrown to the side, the barricade closing a few seconds after.

Scrambling to her feet, Natara just managed to look up when a fist slammed into her face and she crashed back into the floor.

Panting at the sheer strength behind the blow, agony already blooming across her cheekbone, the wind was knocked out of her as a foot collided with her diaphragm.

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