Chapter Eighteen

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"Come back. Come back to me."


Her entrance was silent, opening and closing the doors quietly as she headed to her room. She passed Melina on the way, still working over the weapon they'd need to destroy that blue gem Nat had brought with them.

She paused, hating herself and what she was about to do. Physically struggling, Natara went and sat beside the older woman.

"Natara," Melina greeted, eyes moving to her and assessing the changes to her hair before she went back to working. "Does it help?"

"Does what help?" For some reason she felt intimidated in the dark haired woman's presence. Like she was out of her depth. Whatever she might be able to handle in a physical fight, Melina would outdo her on experience.

"The hair, the blonde. Does it help?"

She swallowed. "It does."

"Then I like it."

Blinking, Natara took her in. She'd done nothing to earn this woman's kindness, her hours of work to fix her mind and memories. Sure, she was probably doing it for Nat but that didn't change anything.
"Thank you," She breathed. "And thank you, for all your time."

Melina paused, putting down the objects she was working with and moving from her computer, entire body facing the assassin in a way that made her feel on edge yet drawn forward.

"I don't know you. Not really," Melina said. "I don't know the you our Natasha knew and I don't know this you either."

Natara gave a nod, waiting.

"But I know you made her happy. It's the happiest I've ever seen her, when she spoke about you. And only love like that can hurt her the way this has."

Natara looked away now, feeling guilty. Here she was, in Melina's house, using her things and taking up her time, all for a daughter she can't remember loving. Natara could understand it, yes. She could easily understand the logic behind falling for Nat. The attraction. But she didn't harbour the feelings themselves.

"Don't misunderstand me, Natara," Melina interrupted her thoughts. "I don't mean to make you feel guilty. My love for Natasha and my want to see her happy isn't the only reason I'm taking this on." She took a deep inhale, rubbing her tired eyes with her hand.
"I know what it's like to lose years of my life. Differently to the way you have, yes. But still the same. Lost is lost. I would like to try help you get yours back."

Natara felt emotional. What was it about having her memories taken? She felt like she'd lost part of her personality too.
"Thank you, Melina."

The older woman surprised her by taking her hand. "I would love for you and Natasha to both remember. You to get your memories and her to remember that this is no one's fault. But if you can't... I want you to find happiness. I want you to continue being free."

Natara didn't even know a tear had fallen until Melina wiped it away. "The world works so hard to destroy powerful women. Don't let it."

They worked beside each other for an hour more, Melina explaining the idea and bouncing ideas and general conversation off of the assassin beside her.

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