Chapter Fifty-Two

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"Hit it until it breaks."


Sam and Natara were acting some sort of scene out. A movie or book snippet- who honestly knew- that they'd both read or seen.

Everyone was seated and watching, Tony occasionally providing commentary on their performance or their characters' choices, which either resulted in an eye roll or smile.

Wanda was laughing, smile wide and body shaking as she leant back into the chair. Rhodey and Tony were doing commentary together now, just between the two of them, clearly finding themselves very amusing, while Steve had a good natured smile on and looked invested and humored by Natara and Sam's live action.
Nat was smiling too, bringing her beer to her lips as she watched.

The lights were low, faint music in the background and energy filled with smiles and laughter. The team was strewed about, relaxed and enjoying the evening.

It was clear Natara's character was dying now as she slid down dramatically (because that's one of the things the blonde was best at), and clutched her chest in pain.
Natasha fought a laugh as the blonde woman took her time in dying, gasping and fighting to live.

Natara eventually let the life drain out of her, saying "bye" in a soft, sad, and broken whisper before letting her head roll to the side and her eyes go glassy.

Natasha, who was smiling wide, faltered for only a second at how real the death looked for just that moment. Glassy eyes and blank expression. Her brain went into a dark room of countless situations where that could be the exact result. Where Natara's face, lifeless and pale stared right at her.
But only for a moment.
Natara then smiled proudly and both her and Sam gave them all a bow as they stood.

The blonde looked at the redhead and gave a wink, making Nat roll her eyes but grin. It was moments like this where she thought maybe her and Natara could actually be close.
These kind of moments where Natara was warm and fill of life. Where she'd single Nat herself out, to either made a joke or, like now, wink.

But these moments were rare. Nat was just glad she was always the one chosen when it came to them.

Taking a seat beside her, Natara looked at the spy, clearly waiting for praise.
"You should go into acting," Nat said dryly, with a brief eyebrow twitch, offering over a beer bottle.

"I've thought about it. Maybe I'll switch careers." Natara eyed the bottle. "Don't drink, remember?"

Nat blinked and put the bottle down. She'd forgotten Natara had told her that before.
Except then, Tara had used the words 'can't' drink.

"Right," Nat murmered, taking another sip of her own drink. "You ever gonna tell me why?"

She sensed the blonde get that familiar guarded look, and internally rolled her eyes. She kept pushing Natara, even though it always ended up in a fight. "Forget I asked."
Natara just hummed.

And it was moments like that that reminded Nat of how hopeless the idea of being close probably was.

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