Chapter Sixty-Four

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"The seats are empty.
The theater is dark.
Why do you keep acting?"


"What kind of drunk am I?" Tara asked.


"It's a question that came up on my phone. What kind of drunk am I?"

"The sober kind?" Nat offered dryly.

"Funny." Natara rolled her eyes. "What kind of drunk are you?" She frowned then. "I don't think I've ever seen you drunk."

Nat chuckled. "I don't get drunk easy, baby."

"Yes, yes, you're Russian- I know. But when you do get drunk?" Natara pressed, genuinely interested. Nat just shrugged. "I feel like you're a messy drunk," The brunette declared.

The redhead stopped now, looking unimpressed. "I'm never messy."

"Okay. So what are you?"

"I suppose I just get tired," Nat shrugged.

Natara sighed. "Whatever." She typed out a message and clicked send. "I asked Clint."
Natasha sent her a look.

"Was that necessary?"

Nataras phone beeped and they were silent as she looked at the message. Tara's face carried disappointment as she did. "He says you don't get drunk."

Nat smirked, going to grab something to eat from the fridge when Natara's phone beeped again. This time the brunette didn't look disappointed.

Natara laughed silently as she read the message. "But he says that when you do, you get emotional."

Nat wasn't smiling anymore, now looking midly annoyed. "Doesn't clint have a family to look after?" She asked.

"I need to see this now."

"Not happening." Nat said pointedly.

"Do you cry?"




"I feel like you say really heartfelt things."


"It's okay if you do-"

"I don't."

Beeping for a third time, Natara looked at her phone again, this time laughing loudly. "He says he's got videos."

Natasha's entire nonchalant demeanor dropped. "Natara-"

"Oh, no," The brunette interrupted. "I'm seeing these."

Nat just glared, suddenly looking for her own phone before Clint could send anything.

"I've got it," Natara interrupted her searching, holding up her wife's phone. "I took it as soon as I started this conversation." She wasn't stupid enough to have left it in the open.
Nat made to get the device, Natara moving it away.
"You can get it back as soon as Clint's sent the videos."

"I won't do anything-" Nat tried.

"You will. You'll threaten him. Because you're a bully and he's a pushover."
Natasha crossed her arms, looking upset.

"I'm not a bully."

"You are."

"How am I-"

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