Chapter Two

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"Golden Child, lion boy;
Tell me what it's like to conquer" (1)

Peter Parker's POV

"Maybe. How much did it hurt?"

"The spider's dead, Ned." Peter interrupted his bestfriend's constant stream of questions.

Cars streaked past in a flurry of colours, the streets busy with people and conversation.

But both them and their conversation came to a standstill when they saw the Deli that the robbers had been in the day before.

A large part of the store was now gone, the sign charred and the building blocked off from police tape. To think that yesterday it had been fine.

"Woah," Ned breathed. "You were here?"

It was weird to him too. "Yeah."

They could only observe the damaged place in front of them, cops standing in groups.
Peter could see two women too, one old and in professional attire, her hair grey. The other stood beside her, only her back to be seen. But she looked young-- older than him but young. And blonde.

Her hair was down and it looked like she was running her hand through it at the moment. Just from looking at it he'd bet good money that she was pretty good looking.

"You could've died," Ned spoke.

Peter heard and allowed the words to settle in. It was true, he could've. His eyes went back to the Deli.

"Do you lay eggs?"

"What?" Ned had his full attention once more. "No," He laughed, deeply disturbed.
Sensing someone watching them, Peter looked forward once more and the blonde woman seemed to look away. But he was pretty sure that was his own imagination... probably caused by his earlier thoughts.

Getting going, they continued on. The sky was cloudless, a wide and light blue. It was a beautiful day.


A few days later

Closing his door, Peter dragged his hand over his face. Hearing the click of his lightswitch as he turned it on and dumped the new bag his Aunt May had gotten him on the floor-- this was like his tenth one-- Peter turned to his bed.
A thud sounded as he jumped backwards. The woman on his bed rose an eyebrow.


There was a woman. "You're on my bed."
That was really the first thing he'd said- And now he wanted to die.

"Hello, Peter Parker."

Sweet mother, her voice- Smoky and feminine but really attractive. Was that even normal? For people to have unusually attractive voices? Personally, almost everyone he knew was going through late puberty. So there were a lot of high pitched or cracking voices around the halls. And he didn't really think much about the potential attractiveness the teachers voices possessed.

Risking another step forward, his entire heart stopped beating. He knew her. "You're- You're an Avenger."

"And here I was thinking you'd simply state I was a woman." A smirk curved her full lips. They looked soft- Enough. I can't think that- what if she could hear his thoughts? Can you hear thoughts?

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