Chapter Fourty-Six

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"So choose your last words, this is the last time
Cause you and I, we were born to die."

"You still sure about this?" Natara looked over at the driver's seat, seeing her Italian partner perfectly at ease behind the wheel.

Alessia gazed at her through shaded frames for a moment. "You've asked me that several times, which is beginning to make me unsure about it. I don't like stressing, it's not in my nature... and it's bad for my skin. So stop asking."

"Right. Sorry."

Natara took a deep breath as they drove, hating how it shook in her chest and lungs. Oh Gods, she knew these roads, knew they were close to the compound.
She opened her mouth, about to check in for the hundredth time when Alessia cut her off.

"Don't you dare."



"Less than five minutes out," Natara spoke up, thumb circling her thigh.

"Are you going to tell me why you're so stressed before we get there or are you just going to keep it in?" Alessia hummed, turning down the music, slightly.

"I'm not stressed. I have no reason to be. I was just asking if you were stressed."

Sighing and shrugging, Alessia turned up the music once more.
It was only seconds before Natara turned it back down.

"Okay... maybe I'm slightly apprehensive."

"Mhm..." Alessia smiled. "Why?"

"Things are... uncomfortable between us. Natasha and me, I mean- not you and I," She quickly elaborated. "And then Apphia said some things that got into my head, and now with you there... it's going to be even more tense."


"No offense," The redhead quickly amended. She let out a loud groan, resting her head in her hands for a second before pulling herself together. "It just... it always ends in a fight when I come back here. So it's basically been over a year of unresolved arguments between us and... I don't know. It's all just- it's all awkward."

Alessia just let out a breath. "This is why I won't get married."

Natara swatted her. "That doesn't help me."
The Italian let out a breath, running a hand through her hair.

"I don't know what to tell you. Maybe just... I don't know, try talk it all through? From beginning to end. I've got a hotel for however long we're here, so once my interview is over, you guys will have time alone. Fix whatever you need to."
The words made her chest tighten, but she didn't let the Avenger see that.

Natara just looked her over, apologetic. "I wish I could say you were wrong about the interview part, but-"

"Hey," Alessia interrupted calmly, "don't stress about it. I can handle a tense situation. I'm actually very good at them."

"That makes one of us," The redhead said uncomfortably, thinking of the afternoon ahead.

Alessia just grinned, looking Natara over again. "To think, there used to be a time where you thrived in them. As a matter of fact, you'd go out of your way to make a situation uncomfortable."

Now Natara really groaned, throwing her head back against the headrest. "Yes, I know, I was a nightmare." She cringed at the memories.

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